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Is Pointless Bbc1.....pointless !

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Bobbisox1 | 17:29 Sun 11th Aug 2019 | Film, Media & TV
53 Answers
I realise it's not big bucks they give away as licence payers would kick off but it's drab lack lustre programme I think


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Additionally the program has been massively dumbed down as you can see from the reduced scores even with an extended answer time compared with earlier years when the really smart guys would get scores in the thirties.

I'd guess that's because in earlier years the BBC had a preliminary trial system to ensure that fin al contestants actually knew something outside their own speciality, and that these have been scrapped to save costs.
// Alexander Armstrong has an amazing tenor voice// (18.35)

No he hasn't, he has an amazing bass baritone voice.
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^^^^ oh well, he's got a good voice anyway :0)
Most amazing Mastermind contestant I saw (years ago) got all his specialist questions right and all but one of the GK. And the one he got wrong was Q. Which is the smallest mammal? A. The shrew. Incorrect - it's the European Pygmy Shrew. Bit harsh I thought.
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Davebro,it's a bit like a lot of university students, they're good in their field but fail in a lot of basic general knowledge and history that we all had at school,not sure if the schools push geography and history like they used to, two of my favourite subjects
My favourite Mastermind question..... "What is another name for a cym or col?"

Answer - "Pass"
I’m often astounded by how much the contestants on UC know.
I don’t think Geography and History are taught the same way as back in the 50s and 60s. (I don’t know how old you are Bobbisox, I’m not trying to assume an age for you.) In the 80s it started to change I think. I’m absolutely rubbish on anything to do with Geography and history. I remember the lessons but not a single bit of useful information.
On Tenable the team had to name the 10 largest countries in S. America - 2 of the answers given were Hungary & Hawaii.

History lessons at school were terrible - the teacher(s) just didn't seem interested. I think most people now get their history knowledge from films & TV series.
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I'm nearly 73 Clover and you're possibly right,my three favourites at school were geography,history,and English with Art and definitely PE, I was a good runner back in the day
My history teacher made us copy a page from a book while he filed his nails on a matchbox. And we were supposed to be the clever set.
My history teacher used to pretend she was a record player (it was in the sixties) and would spout while we wrote it down, right down to "end of side one ,turn the record over". I kid you not. I'm hopeless at history. Have decided most of you must be very clever. I like Pointless and usually get low scores. The contestants in Mastermind usually get the same amount of questions over two rounds if they dont waste time. I enjoy Only Connect, University Challenge too and sometimes get good points but I treat it all as entertainment. I dont watch things that remind me of the News.
I thought it was only me who doesn’t like Pointless. I find it so tedious and echo everything that’s been said about it. I only watch University Challenge and Only Connect now, and sometimes get some correct!
I think my husband knows every county town in the UK because he had to memorise them at school (in the 50s and 60s). He can also recite the ‘To be or not to be speech’ (so tedious when he’s in one of those moods) from Hamlet. Not sure how useful any of that is.

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