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Is Pointless Bbc1.....pointless !

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Bobbisox1 | 17:29 Sun 11th Aug 2019 | Film, Media & TV
53 Answers
I realise it's not big bucks they give away as licence payers would kick off but it's drab lack lustre programme I think


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I don't watch it - the times I've tried, it has bored me rigid.
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Phew so it's not just me then Jim?
Some people must like it. I think many of these quiz shows the presenters are the REAL winners (get far more than the contestants)- laughing all the way to the bank!
I stopped watching it ages ago. It had become very boring and repetitive and yes, the prize money is pathetic.
Unsure what the objection is. it's typical light entertainment, no major difference to hundreds of other quiz shows.
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Davebro there's no comparison between the Poinless presenter and Bradley Walsh except Alexander Armstrong has an amazing tenor voice
Most quiz shows are so dumbed down these days that it's hardly worth watching them. The only ones I watch with any regularity are University Challenge and Only Connect.
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And MasterMind, I can't answer the specialist subjects but I do okay on the GK sometimes
I can't watch Mastermind because John Humphries is such an appalling question master, the utterly farcical pass rule and the fact that the questions are not properly balanced in terms of length and difficulty between the contestants.
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I think he's very concise to be honest Jim

You mean the "Alexander and Richard Show" the most aptly titled programme on TV imo.
If you record Pointless you can watch the entire programme in less than fifteen minutes. Just the job for meaningless pap when you're having a cup of tea. You can cut out all the questions being repeated three or four times, all the contestants mulling over their choices, Alexander Armstrong asking the contestants what they will do with the cash if they win (nobody asks him what he's going to do with the £2k he gets for each programme) but most important of all you can skip through the patronising, sanctimonious drivel trotted out by the tall geezer with the teeth.

Well said NJ ;o)
I think so. I have watched it once and odd bits. It is very slow and not much of a challenge usually. I presume it is popular though, from the number of times it's shown.
I think it’s well past its sell-by date
Thank God it is not only me who finds it mind numbingly pointless. Started off as a bit of fun for the terminally bored and got worse with the introduction of the "pc blocks"(stick an o in there). Now...Now... it is a Beep Beep Seee flagship show. Tells us everything without expecting anything.
"I think he's very concise to be honest Jim"

Like repeating the answer with extra information, which just wastes time? E.g.

JH - Which member of the Spice Girls is the eldest?
Contestant - Ginger.
JH - Yes, Ginger Spice, Geri Halliwell now Horner.

He's absolutely dreadful.
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We must agree to disagree....good newscaster back in the day
LOL! No doubt, but that does not make him a good quizmaster.
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Maybe not but to be a news reader for the beeb especially, you have to clear and concise

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Is Pointless Bbc1.....pointless !

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