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Terry Wogan

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Caran | 01:11 Fri 31st Dec 2021 | Film, Media & TV
87 Answers
Just watched this programme on his career, I loved the man, I actually cried when he died. I feel bereft after watching this.


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An entertainer whose reputation will stand up to a few posts on an online forum which sometimes seems to be a pedestal for the petty and self-important.
Change that 3 to a 5 and you're in the right ballpark Spice. Young for a TOG (and an ABer) but no spring chicken. Grew up listening to both Wogan and Ray Moore on R2 and never stopped until they were no more.
Naomi, Your capacity to exaggerate is boundless.

I don't actually 'hate' anyone, especially not public figures.
//My loathing and contempt for him used to crop up regularly on here, but this is not the place//

Hmmm... I have always equated "loathe" to "hate".
Barry, I don't 'have to' post on any thread.

But if everyone only ever posted in the tone of the OP, what a bore we would have.

People are entitled to a view, and that includes a contrary opinion.

If the BBC thought he was so fabulous, why was this queue to praise him on Channel 5?
Wogan was alright. I wasn't a big fan of his but I'm sure if AH and others looked close enough they would see the the hypocrisy in lots of so-called celelbreties. However:


The tale of the famous person who secretly conned a fortune out of the extremely gullible, due to the vanity of the gullible. You know this famous person, a sportsman. And no-one has ever heard of this. Legal reasons and all that.
Stay tooned!
Lady CG, your choice.

My use of English is careful - if I meant 'hate', that is the adjective I would use.

I loathed him because he took a fee for eight years for CIN, and then, when exposed, had the gall to say he didn't even know he was being paid!

That's someone with too much money, as well as someone who doesn't care where it comes from.

But 'hate'?

Not at all.
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You are right, Andy, you can post on any thread but sometimes one should consider the tone of the original post.
Caran said she was bereft to the point of crying - criticising the man is not helpful or comforting.
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I understand andy's loathing of Terry Wogan

I loath Bob the Builder, who as we know became far more famous than me in our chosen careers.
He was cautioned after skinny-dipping; an offence that hardly warrants your obsession with him.

I take it the remainder of your post is just hearsay?
He retired in 2014 10c...took their time in ousting him.
Great on the radio. Less keen on his TV stuff.
Legendary on Eurovision tho I felt towards the end he was letting it all get to him
An all round good guy it seems
It was you who mentioned him, JTH, not me. You have an obsession about me being correct and highlighting this about Hansen. Something that would not go unnoticed in this day and age.
Thought I didn't like him much on the telly. Didn't really like or know anyone on there. Had to race to the pub in case I missed something.
But later on I enjoyed him on the radio in the morning. And then he had a long show on Sunday morning?
He wasn't awful to listen to - actually I'd forgot he died.
If I’d been Wogan and I’d been offered £8000 for CIN, personally, I’d have taken it. Even if already wealthy. I’d also have been discreet and if anyone did find out I’d have been a bit embarrassed.
Not sure that deserves “loathing (aka hatred) and contempt” but maybe it does.
It is possible he really didn’t know about it I’d have thought tho I don’t know the story. I certainly believe he be we asked for a fee and I do know he stopped receiving it years before the end
“That he didn’t ask”

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