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Terry Wogan

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Caran | 01:11 Fri 31st Dec 2021 | Film, Media & TV
87 Answers
Just watched this programme on his career, I loved the man, I actually cried when he died. I feel bereft after watching this.


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What a shame that this thread turned nasty by virtue of the first answer, which was so obviously going to happen

A shame for Caran who cried when he died. And so did I, as I did for John Peel.
pat - // What a shame that this thread turned nasty by virtue of the first answer, which was so obviously going to happen //

Could you shoot over next week's Lottery numbers, your gift of foresight would be handy.
You certainly didn't use any foresight Andy when you posted your loathing for Terry Wogan. Or any tact. It was so obviously not a question asking people's opinions. Let's leave it there please.
pat - // You certainly didn't use any foresight Andy when you posted your loathing for Terry Wogan. Or any tact. It was so obviously not a question asking people's opinions. Let's leave it there please. //

Fair enough.
Even if Terry did accept the £8k fee, he was responsible for raising far, far more over his CiN presenting reign. His Radio 2 auctions over the years raised millions one their own.
Wogan was the front for various appeals, anyone could have filled his role, for nothing.

Do you imagine anyone would have said 'I'm only donating if Terry Wogan asks me.'?

Doubt it somehow.
I'm always calm Andy.
Anyone, Andy? Wogan had a huge following. If you or I were fronting an appeal I doubt we'd fill a phone box....between us.
I booked a two week cruise hoping to see andy, Gness
... and your middle name is Pinocchio ...
Roy, if you had waited, I could have advised you which cruises I will be on.

Which one have you booked?

I'll see if they will make me available.
Gness, I obviously meant any other celebrity, but I think you knew that.
Gosh I’ve just looked again at this thread, what a shame it’s descended to silly stuff
No, Andy, I didn't. You said anyone. You weren't very "clear or concise" or you'd have said any other celebrity. :-)
Just don't mention Gloria Hunniford.
She was on the show.

Our TV is still intact!!!

I must be mellowing...
Does Gloria sing, Hoppy? I could dedicate some songs to Andy if so.
Oh, Mamya!! I really was joking...I didn't know laugh of the day here... :-)

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