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Ken Bruce Leaving Radio 2

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goodgoalie | 11:57 Tue 17th Jan 2023 | Film, Media & TV
42 Answers
He's just announced that he'll be leaving at the end of March. Very sad - and that will be precisely NO programmes on Radio 2 that I will be listening to.


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Sorry to hear that - listen to his show every morning. He will be missed.
Oh no! He said just recently he had no intention of going anywhere. If he’s another they’ve pushed out they must have a death wish!
I'm in the same boat as you, gg. None of those who have stood in for him when he's been on his jollies have impressed me so unless they have someone lined up who is more to my liking, i'll most likely be sticking with local radio unless his new projects are to my taste.
As he said, he's been around quite a while and he feels the need for change.
Naomi, he actually stressed the decision to move on was his alone.
i wonder if he's retiring?
perhaps they could bring simon mayo back
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Please Lord, NOT Gary Davies
He'll probably pop up on Virgin or Greatest Hits Radio who already have a few ex R2 DJs on board. He may well have had an offer, hence the change of mind.
R2 is a shadow of it's former self.
Did he, Ken? That was a quick change of heart. I can’t help thinking something’s happened behind the scenes.
Why should one person stay forever ?
Bednobs, he said other offers have come his way and he will give more detail nearer the end of March.
Naomi, i, too, hope there is nothing sinister about his decision to move on.
Baz, if someone is doing a bloody good job, why would anyone want to replace them?
Oh not another!
I like Ken Bruce. He will be very much missed.
There’s no common sense in what the BBC is doing now. You can tell it’s not a private company.
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See, I told you ;-)
Taking Pop Master with him, too. :-)))
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At the end of March he'll be 72, so maybe he's been offered a chance to broadcast his new show from home, as he did for a while during Covid.
A real stable of ex R2 DJs at GHR now:
I used to listen to Radio 2 quite a lot a few years ago, but now just leave it on TalkSPORT shame as Ken was one of the remaining good ones.
Not good news. For me, he was always the best thing about the station & I suspect I'll have to find another to have on as background. Especially if Gary Davies is drafted in.

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