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Keeping Up Appearances.....

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ToraToraTora | 17:41 Thu 18th May 2023 | Film, Media & TV
48 Answers
Classic sitcom genius writing and cast but one thing that occurs to me is that How did Hyacinth and Richard ever get together? I mean Once she found out his name was Bucket, being the upper-class wannabee she is, she'd have either dumped him or used another name. Or....perhaps she became a snob later...Yes I know it's best not to ask too many questions about these things.....!


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With you on Dinnerladies Zacs. Victoria Wood wrote some brilliant scripts. How we miss her wordsmith and humour. When "She who must be obeyed" is having a moment I tell her that she is doing a Hyacinth. In the nicest possible way of course. :))
I didn’t know that Tora
Patricia Routledge was a rather splendid looking young woman who actually had a lovely singing voice and was classically trained. She was also a better that average pianist and murdered both skills for comedic effect rather like Les Dawson used to.;r=0&o=5&dpr=1.3&;pid=1.7
Belcher as Belshay used to amuse.

Was it Ron on the Beeb?
The fabulous Patricia Routledge.
Click on Watch on YouTube to see if it works.
She had a shag behind the local 'King's Bottom Arms' with Richard and ended up preggers with the beloved and much mal-aligned Sheridan. She had to marry Richard to hold some dregs of respectability. The rest was downhill and what hasn't been shown is how Sheridan became a transsexual inc. the reassignment surgery.
Dame Patricia.

Togo, puts shivers right through me, just like it did in the film.
Re Dinner Ladies - Victoria Wood's writing was at its peak then - every single line of dialogue was perfect.

And of course, she had the lightest of touches with the pathos for Stan's dad's death, Anita's baby, and her own mother's passing, with the sublime payoff for the ending.

"This my daughter, she was born on Christmas Eve, so we called her ... Brenda."

Gems in every line.
//She had a shag behind the local 'King's Bottom Arms' with Richard and ended up preggers with the beloved and much mal-aligned Sheridan. She had to marry Richard to hold some dregs of respectability. The rest was downhill and what hasn't been shown is how Sheridan became a transsexual inc. the reassignment surgery.//

Pretty much what I wrote on the first post. Not bad for one who seldom watched the series.
I always assumed that Richard had a long-term mistress and that the final episode would see Hyacinth's death. Maybe that was just wishful thinking.
I read posts on here in Hyacinth's voice.

Not saying which ones though. x
I don't think she'd approve of the word s&*g being used.
Yeller belly Dougie.
She wouldn't Tilly, especially in front of the Vicar.
But's that what happened and her sisters would ascribe to it, - Grammar School lingo -'Bottoms out, Girls, and knickers down!'
Why is it allowed on AB? Why does it pass the swear filter?
retro, I'm just adding meat to the substance, per se. Got to give Richard some credit.....

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