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Paul22118 | 09:32 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers

I love watching Masterchef, all versions.  Generally the celebrity version is inferior but watchable - until now.  There has been a female called Charlotte on the current show.  I just cannot watch or actually listen to her.  Thank goodness she was voted off last night.  Anyone else grated by her? Whoever she is.



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Lol...same here. Though I was impressed by her in the first round...thinking she might actually do well. Last night she turned into a whiney, shouty child.

She was a whiney, shouty child from the start. She just turned up the volume in episode 2!

Such disrespect shown to everyone. 



I agree she was awful but I began to wonder if she had ADHD,she certainly showed a lot of the symptoms. Can't say I'm sorry she's gone

Dreadful woman.  I'm so glad I'm not the only one to dislike the shouting, showing off, and general bad behaviour.  Good to know she was voted off.

If she has ADHD should she have been allowed in a kitchen where attention is required at all times. So many things could go wrong!

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