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T W A U ... The Chase....

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ToraToraTora | 13:54 Sat 17th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
13 Answers

Q: On a map of the USA what state is directly above South Dakota?

A: Maine!




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Come on chaps, North Dakota is bloody obvious.
17:20 Sat 17th Aug 2024

Why on earth should anyone outside of the USA be expected to be familiar with a map of that country?  I certainly couldn't identify more than a small handful of US states on a map.

It's one of those, IF you know American states.

^no, but a good guess would be North dakota, surely?

Come on chaps, North Dakota is bloody obvious.

That's kinda what I meant.

I wasn't even aware that North Dakota is a US state!

I would guess North Dakota but it would only be a guess.

Here they all are. I tried it from memory but only got 40 so resorted to Google. The 10 I missed are in italics.  I did have an advantage, I learnt to recite them all about 15 years ago just as a memory exercise to stave off advancing amnesia.

1. Alabama

2. Alaska

3. Arizona

4. Arkansas

5. California

6. Colorado

7. Connecticut

8. Delaware

9. Florida

10. Georgia

11. Hawaii

12. Idaho

13. Illinois

14. Indiana

15. Iowa

16. Kansas

17. Kentucky

18. Louisiana

19. Maine

20. Maryland

21. Massachusetts

22. Michigan

23. Minnesota

24. Mississippi

25. Missouri

26. Montana

27. Nebraska

28. Nevada

29. New Hampshire

30. New Jersey

31. New Mexico

32. New York

33. North Carolina

34. North Dakota

35. Ohio

36. Oklahoma

37. Oregon

38. Pennsylvania

39. Rhode Island

40. South Carolina

41. South Dakota

42. Tennessee

43. Texas

44. Utah

45. Vermont

46. Virginia

47. Washington

48. West Virginia

49. Wisconsin

50. Wyoming




Question Author

17:07 but you might think that North X might be North of South X. As with all of these no knowledge is needed to get the correct answer.

Question Author

17:14 + 17:20 yes but I have a superpower, I can make normally intelligent people pretend to be thick rather than have a laugh, you don't find that in the comic books.

Question Author

17:44 indeed that's the point the obvious guess is correct.

what land is directly above South Georgia Island, I wonder.

Question Author

21:31 thanks for demonstrating what my point. If the question was: What state is above south Georgia? ... and you had no clue you could be forgiven for giving the obvious answer "North Georgia" like in this example. As with all of these the actual answer is irrelevant it's the idiocy of the answer given that supplies the comic fodder! That's why I love doing these, people underline what idiots they are because rather than join in they try and have a go at me and it back fires! Wonderful!

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