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hellywelly4 | 17:43 Sat 17th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers

I've just watched the first two episodes of this and really enjoyed them. I looked to see whether the rest of the episodes are available now, but couldn't find anything. Can anyone help please?  Many thanks.



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//The first two episodes of Hostage drop on More4 on Friday, August 16 at 9pm BST with one episode a week after that. 


It will also land on the FREE tier of the Channel 4 streaming service after broadcast. 


However, for subscribers to the premium tier, which also gets you ad-free access to the platform's huge catalogue of shows, all three episodes are available right now, having been added to the streamer on May 28. If you want early access to this and more Channel 4 shows in the future, it'll cost £3.99 per month or £39.99 per year.//

Helly  - as its on More4 I think the rest might be available on Ch4 catch up or Ch4 On Demand.

I'm recording it so glad of your recommendation. 

Scorpio - didn't see your post .

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I've just looked on ch4 catchup but it's only got the two that were on this week.

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Thank you for your replies. I didn't see the one from scorpiojo either, strange.

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