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andy-hughes | 23:00 Sat 17th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
17 Answers

I am really enjoying the re-runs of Butterflies, the most bitter and sweet of bitter-sweet  comedies.

I still have the same massive crush on Wendy Craig I had when the series first aired.


Anyone else a fan?



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It's very much of its time. 

Didn't it have a young 'Rodney' in it?

Yes it did, a young Nicolas Lyndhurst before only fools

I always struggled with Carla Lane's comedies, as I like my comedy 'straight' (if that's not a contradiction in terms), rather than infused with pathos at times. While I could greatly admire her writing in both 'Butterflies' and 'Bread', I never really knew whether I was meant to be laughing or crying at some of the situations that she created.

I was always much happier watching Roy Clarke's comedies, such as 'Last of the Summer Wine', 'Open All Hours' and 'Keeping Up Appearances', where laughter was always to the fore.

Good comedy needs pathos IMHO (and there is plenty in the OAH, LOTSW and KUA situations under the surface).

I never 'got' Last of the Summer Wine.

Yes, Canary42, there was (for example) pathos in Granville's inevitably doomed attempts to make progress with the opposite sex but Roy Clarke never 'laid it on thick' in the way that Carla Lane frequently did.


LOTSW seems to be a 'marmite' thing, Hopkirk.  I regard it as possibly the greatest comedy writing of all time (although I have to admit that there were some weaker patches over the years) but I know that there are others who simply don't find it funny at all.

Steptoe and Son was laden with pathos; I never found it funny.

If my memory serves me right, Steptoe and Son was quite ground-breaking for its time and relied on the capacity to "shock" for much of the humour.  But it became very formulaic and hasn't stood the test of time.

What about 'Are you being served' ?

I really enjoyed it when it first ran. Not caught it again since. Yeah, WC was cute in it.

Initially was a fan of Bread to at the time, until I decided it was getting too preachy and losing the comedy aspects as a result. Did see one or two episodes recently but now seemed a bit meh.

I remember Bread as being all shouting, scallys and blinkered left-wing misery.

Liverpool, as it's known today.

I enjoyed Butterflies because of the comedy that the generational exasperation experienced by Ben (Geoffrey Palmer) with his two sons, Adam and Russell. This was enhanced by the hopeless atempts at cuisine attempted by Ria. But I feel it lost its sparkle when it began to major on Ria's involvement with Leonard. Could have done without that but, as Chris says, that's Carla Lane for you.

One of my favourite comedies is the often overlooked (though recently repeated) "I didn't know you cared". Dark northern humour which, as a poncey southerner, I find hilarious.

Seems massively dated now. 

My Mum loved watching it back in the day. 

Didn't they have a nanny doing the cleaning etc? Only wealthy families could afford such luxuries. 


I actually love Steptoe and Son, I have the complete series and the movie on a dvd box set. 

I actually prefer 70's and 80's tele.


I used to adore Dick Emery. There's no talent like it anymore. 

"Didn't they have a nanny doing the cleaning etc?"

Not a nanny, Ruby, their cleaner (a "lady what does").

"Only wealthy families could afford such luxuries."

They were quite well off. Ben was  dentist with a private practice. 

Question Author

New Judge - In my view, Ria's angst over Leonard fulfils the vital premise of all classic comedy - Rising Damp, Open All Hours, Towers, Only Fools, Steptoe,Reggie Perrin, One Foot, Teptoe, Hancock -

One or more major characters must be trapped and kicking against their situation. 

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