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T W A U ... The Chase....todays Gem......

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ToraToraTora | 18:35 Tue 20th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
19 Answers

Q: The large storm system on Jupiter is the great red what?

A: Star!




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I despair. TTT publishes these examples for a little light-hearted  amusement and some keyboard-crazy folk pile in turning it into a personal spat. [sigh]
11:15 Wed 21st Aug 2024

Don't know about Jupiter. But the largest storm in the the UK Happened on July 4th this year.

Give us a clue?

Zit ?

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I see my superpower is in evidence once again.

//I see my superpower is in evidence once again.//


I see your use of English has improved since you didn't know the difference between rote and wrote, you're making some progress at last.

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//ah the brainless always attack typos, have you no contribution to make?//


Hardly a 'typo', using the wrong word.  By the way, another 'typo', a sentence starts with a BIG letter Ah, was the correct form.

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It was one letter out of place. So do you trawl every post looking for typos to make some sort of point because beyond that you have no contribution to make? What a sad Bar tender you are. Have you any sort of comment on this thread other than to derail it?

I despair. TTT publishes these examples for a little light-hearted  amusement and some keyboard-crazy folk pile in turning it into a personal spat. [sigh]

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11:09 You have errors in everything you write sunshine but I am not so petty as to focus on them because this ain't a GCSE English exam. We all bash out answers and make errors, most don't get their Alan's in a Brahms over it and focus on what is obvious. Have you been sitting there agonising over a W out of place for 3 days? Sad, very sad.

For Funks Sake put Me out of my misery, perlease! 

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piggy stop playing silly burgers, you cannot not know the answer.

Wed, 12.23 ttt how should I know the answer?? 

Due to Ur arrogance I had to Google it.

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Continue to wield your new found power Barry😏 I'm sure it brings you a sense of power 🤗

Barry didn't remove your posts, 1ozzy.  I did.  If you fancy a rest from AB it can be arranged.  Just carry on trolling.

Be prepared for another "answer removed" 🥱

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T W A U ... The Chase....todays Gem......

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