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"The Farm"

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netibiza | 12:32 Thu 19th Oct 2006 | Film, Media & TV
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Anyone know if this reality show will be back on Ch 5? I know I'm sad, but cannot get BBC or ITV so have to rely on Ch 5, and I do get so engrossed and enraged, really get carried away with it all.


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11:03 Wed 04th Jan 2012
I'll take that on board Jno. You may be right. Actually there was only towels in it and washable bath mats..I expect I'll be calmed down when I see her on Tuesday.
Morning all
Dull and dreary here .Just sitting here waiting for our parcel from the German Deli with all the goodies .
So sorry to hear about your BiL Neti .I hope things go well .Poor man ,must be an awful worry .
My brother has to go to Papworth again next week ..this time it's a resting test .The one he had done on Monday was a stress test. He came home radioactive .
I said was he flashing in the dark ? Lol..

People who poke in cupboards are very rude .We sold a house once and fair enough they wanted to look in the fitted wardrobes but when she started to make comments about my clothes I told her they were buying the house ,not the contents of my bldy wardrobe .Cheeky moo.

AB Christmas card Robinia ? No thanks :)
Good morning all, Neti I am sorry to hear about your B in law. The good news is that they seem to think it is worth amputating, if the medics thought he was on the end of the trail it would be pain relief strategy only.
Jude, that is slightly strange....if she had a reason like wanting to know what the boiler was like, I would have expected her to ask...seriously has she had anything like a mini stroke?
Slept in till 10.00 again today and feel loads better so I must have needed it, the dogs slept in too. btw not holy weather, hooly weather
oh, I could do with a new brolly....something bright & cheerful.

Don't dwell on it Jude, I think she probably did it without thinking ...I'd probably just have laughed (with surprise) and said 'Please feel free to look in all my cupboards'...and she could take it however she liked. When my oldest son moved into a big new house there were doors everywhere & I did open some in a 'what's in 'ere then?' stylie but only downstairs. That's what mums do though isn't it?

I've been thinkin'... we say hood as hudd, so how come a snood isn't a snudd? I've decided from now on I'll mispronounce things in shops to amuse/irritate the assistants.
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It's the sort of thing I would do jude, I would probably say "May I?" at the same time, but I would not be looking at the clothes etc but the space and arrangement of the cupboard. Fret ye not! We don't have airing cupboards here as the tanks are insulated on the inside so no (or very little) outside heat.

Tooth throbbing intermittently, but it's nothing in the general scheme of things.

Woofy are you being chatted-up by Yogi on the Christmas card thread??
don't think so but haven't been back. (yogi)
The gas service people wanted to replace our tank when they replaced the boiler because ours isn't the new well insulated kind. I asked if the landing, adjoining spare bedroom and airing cupboard would be colder as a result and they said so proudly "oh yes of course" so I told them not to bother and introduced them to the concept of "useful" lost heat.
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Sta Eulalia town square, all festive.
<< haha, my avatar worked

Lovely pic neti
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Oh Robi, terrific avatar, love it. Where do you find them??
I think I googled (images) for xmas fairies and amongst others it came up with that ...haha, it's actually called 'xmas stick fairy'...
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I've just remembered that I wanted to go zumba dancing but the teacher never got back in touch with me (probably cos I couldn't cope with her line dancing a few years back!) Hey ho, just as well!!
Well ..I've got the damn tree up and guess what ..the lights don't work .Stamps feet .I'll have to go and buy some new ones .Every bldy year this happens .
Mr S is sat on the sofa ..going ..left a bit ..right a bit .
There are leads trailing everywhere and I'm getting very short tempered :)

I'm sure you all think I'm a miserable moo not wanting to be on the school photo and "chatty " Christmas thread but it's not my scene . I find people who want to ..peek at your tits and say they fancy the knickers off ya ...... ever so slightly creepy .
Shaney if it gets like that, I will be out of there too and I am not going near a school photo thread.
Ps I have only put up battery operated led lights this year, much less swearing.
oh I find a lot of it nauseating too shaney, I daresay some of them wouldn't give you the time of day in the real world, I probably won't do any chatting, I'll just have my fairy on show... lol...

My short string of lights on aforementioned squatty tree are old so they'll probably wait until xmas eve to expire.
I cant find that Christmas thread. I only put one post on and that was to be with Jno and Lottie. I really didn't know what it was all about but if it's like you say Shaney I'm not going don't direct me.
I've had a lovely chicken tikka for lunch and then we came back to my house for a baileys coffee. The friend I went with is my very long term R & R friend we met when she only had one child and me only Steadier, in the end she had 4 girls, 3 are teachers and 1 an accountant. I think that's brilliant. They all worked and paid for themselves and got what allowances they could as their Mum wasn't all that well off.
Thanks for all your thoughts anout my 'cupboard' and yes I think I'll just leave it as she probably felt comfortable enough in my house to do it without thinking. Well that's what I'll say to myself anyway. I don't think she has a mini stroke Woofy, she can be very 'opinionated' at times and when the 3 of us are together and she and our other friend are having a discussion on politics or 'world' matters I can just switch and let them get on with it.
I've learn to vhevk my lights before i put them on the tree. I hope that's what you did Shaney.

Off now for some tea...Later 'gater(s)
Tomorrow I;m going tto School to a Carol concert by all thre children in The Hall then there's is a cuppa and bit of a Christmas 'getogether' with,
How many is that I've been to up to now this month :0)
You town Square looks lovely Neti. We don't have many lights in the city, part of it look ok but they have been a bit sparing I think because of the recession.
What language is that 'vheck' :0) What a cockup of a post - sorry. You'll sort it I'm sure....
The christmas card thread seems okay so far...
I think I put you on my Post Woofy on that thread.
well, just got back from A Christmas Callow


...sorry, Carol. Very good it was too.

Oh, are there threats of riotous behaviour on the Xmas Avatar thread? Everyone looked pretty cheery and well behaved to me, though of course there's nothing to stop certain sleazebags gaining entry. But I must just remind myself, Peace on earth and goodwill to all pondlife.

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