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"The Farm"

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netibiza | 12:32 Thu 19th Oct 2006 | Film, Media & TV
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Anyone know if this reality show will be back on Ch 5? I know I'm sad, but cannot get BBC or ITV so have to rely on Ch 5, and I do get so engrossed and enraged, really get carried away with it all.


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11:03 Wed 04th Jan 2012
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A very tardy good moaning to you all.

Tooth is fine if slightly sore, was so dreading it to be the wrong tooth. Been busy shopping, ordering a turkey, having a family brekkie in a cafe, and wheedling round Mr N for my allowance as I thought I'd have to contribute to the tooth! Honestly for that amount of money, I could have had a new washing machine, or dishwasher or repaired the dvd RW on desktop, I am livid! but couldn't stand the pain.

No news re Bil as I guess if he didn't have his op yesterday they won't do it on a weekend, so will wait until I hear.

Really chilly today, well t-shirt and sweatshirt, jeans and boots, not yer aktully freezin' weather! Off to do ironing which is piling up! Hija cooking fish fingers, mash and peas for tonight, not great but anything as long as I don't have to cook it!
"Really chilly today" neti?.....<goes to check Ibiza temp>....15C!!...tut
It's 2C here & has changed about half a dozen times while I've been doing minimal chores.
Good to hear you're not in too much pain. Ne'er mind the expense, you have to put yourself first sometimes. Me & my sis have changed our priorities a tad, especially considering our family's tendancy for non-longevity. Or should that be shortevity?

Go steady woofy, the boys won't see the postie...
cold here, sat in clean and tidy state. A biking mate of DH's is coming over later to have tea and a natter. I am watching the remake of "the Bishop's wife" not nearly so good as the original with David Niven, Loretta Young and Cary Grant.
Can I ask for some advice? I am getting cards from people who don't know what has happened to DH. They are old but now distant friends, the kind who we only really hear from at Christmas. Obviously I need to let them know but I don't think its helpful or kind to tell them in a Christmas card or this close to Christmas at all. I thought the best thing was to not send a card but to write to them after Christmas. Thoughts please?
Ha Robi, our front windows are always coated in dog nose prints. You can steam windows but not on cold days.
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Oh difficult one there woofy, yes after Christmas would probably be best. Hope you are bearing up Ok at this time.
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Just a quick click round Robi's ear <<<< WALLOP >>>> It is 13° and it is overcast, well, having just looked pout the window the sun has come out but it's still cold!!!
Ha! I've just been out to feed the birds & my ears are so cold that I didn't feel a thing....

Yes woofy, I think to send the friends a card or note after New Year would be the right thing to do.
Hi Woofy I agree with the other Biddies - after Christmas would be better. About my little huff - I'm over it!
I'm listening to The Rams losing by a goal B000ooo! Later....
Thanks, I thought that would be best but (and I hope you can understand this) its also what I feel I want to do and not be bothered with it now which made me wonder if it was a selfish instinct and not a helpful one. Don't get me wrong, I can be as selfish as anything but I like to be selfish deliberately and not fool myself that its out of care for other people's feelings.
I understand completely woofy, it's not selfish just a kind of self preservation. Do it when you feel the time's right. I kept up the pretence that I was still with my ex for quite a while so 'we' got xmas cards...too much other stuff was going on, it was one more thing I didn't need to explain.

hi Jude <looks to see who's playing>...oh Ipswich, they've got funny accents...not that that's got anything to do with footy.
Thanks Robi, you have nailed how I feel completely and made me feel much better. our friends have been wonderful and supportive, but I really need sue not thinking about it time.
I've been reading our very first Grotto thread and what I'd like to know is when did neti go over to the dark domestic side?

"Just been wandering through my house and have found a strange unused room - asked hubby what it was - he said it's a kitchen - well I never - I've heard of 'em. Has anyone else out there got one and if so do you know what it's for???

Neibiza 19:07 Thu 15th Dec 2005"

You're never out of that kitchen now neti...have you been chained to the sink?
golly, that must have been back in the days when I had teeth and ate things. Ah, the nostalgia.

"I shall spend the morning playing sphairistike, then have my hair marcelled and abandon myself to a night of passionate waltzing.

jno 19:07 Thu 15th Dec 1905"
link please Robi?
email on the way woofy
received thank you...settling down to watch strictly.....
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Oh hilarious, I certainly know what a kitchen is now!! Hija precooked the pots and mashed them and cooked the peas, and then had a backache and retired to her bed, so I, who had already had a bath and washed hair cos I wasn't cooking, then had to cook, not bad though she had even made krispie cakes for dessert.

Hope you all have a good oight, dancing, viewing or whatever xx
"Shaney won't mind if I cut up her woman's weekly to make some will she?" Hmmm..... lol..
Blimey it's cold here .
I agree too Woofy .I send cards and letters to elderly dames in Germany and I've never mentioned Mr.S's illness .I just say we are all well etc . I don't want to burden them with my troubles .
Of course it's different for you ..bless you ,but I would do this when you feel up to it .
Haven't done a lot today really ..we had home made linsensuppe and crusty bread for dinner and there's a trifle in the fridge keeps winking at me ..
I was up at silly o'clock this morning because the phone was ringing ..some bf with a wrong number...and you don't even get a sorry ..Tut .
Have a nice evening all .
Snowing away merrily here at the moment .
ooo snow you lucky b.....
Shaney we did the same, didn't actually lie but accentuated the positive or said nothing.

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