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"The Farm"

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netibiza | 12:32 Thu 19th Oct 2006 | Film, Media & TV
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Anyone know if this reality show will be back on Ch 5? I know I'm sad, but cannot get BBC or ITV so have to rely on Ch 5, and I do get so engrossed and enraged, really get carried away with it all.


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11:03 Wed 04th Jan 2012
Morning all...chilly here but none of the snow they're going on about...a couple of millimetres and the tele's got reporters on location banging on and stating the #£$*%+&@ obvious...tut.

oooh, well done neti... <slaps 'I've been a brave biddy' sticker on her bazoom>...I've got a 4 pack of heinz tom soup, you could have some if you were nearby. Hope it doesn't hurt.

Sounds like a good do jno, I like Simon Callow.
I've got a crown that's now a few shades lighter than my other teeth but it ain't broke so I don't really want it fixed. P'raps a bit of tip ex on them all would even things out.

Yes Christmas makes me very sad too, some good memories and some bad... as a season it's ok, I like to see lights & deccies etc but as 'a special day' it makes me uncomfortable. And I don't pine for many days of yore, I think I was born feeling responsible. It's all very well these gurus saying put all your cares and worries aside for one day but sometimes it actually makes them worse.

Love the festive doggy shaney, I think I'll have to find a santa hat for my Sylvac he's seen as many (if not more) xmases as I have
was that a root canal, neti? There won't be any nerve left to hurt but the gums may feel sore.

Do you have male and female teeth that you get different dentists?
Bright and cold here now. I am having a tidying and cleaning day because i feel able but decided I am entitled to a break. Glad your tooth doesn't hurt Neti, it shouldn't with the nerve removed.
Hello all
Well done Neti ..I'm awarding you a Blue Teether Badge ...

Bit grim here.. cold and piddling down and it was snowing too .To wet for it to lay though . I hope your bright bits shift in our direction Woofy .

I dropped the glass butter dish this morning .Smashed all over the floor That's half a pound of Kerrygold in the bin :(

I must bumble about a bit ...I have washing to put away and then I'd better vacuum the bits of lametta that are stuck to the carpet and Mr S's trousers .
See you later .
neti can have one of mine...

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Been resting in front of the fire and TV have no energy at all. Have a dreadful thought that it is the wrong tooth, cos neither of us really knew, it just that that is the one that hurt today! She has inserted something medicinal in the tooth and that's all I can taste, horrid.

Hija cooking dinner, I am having a lazy day today.
Hello All. What a lovely cheerful morning at School. The children sang about 6 songs so happily. One song I'd never heard of. You may know it - it was called Alice the Camel. It started off where she the camel had 5 humps then each verse she had 4, 3, 2, 1 then none so therefore she must be a horse. Really comical. Anyway it was a happy morning after my few minutes of nostalgia with you.
Then I went to see my sister and after my lunch I went to see my plumber and his baby - he's a house-husband for a while.
I've just sorted all my photos out on here so that on the 1st of 2012 I can put them on my memory stick or whatever itis called but I need my sis to help me with that cos I get in a mess.

Going to watch the final of Countdown on 4OD in a mo when it's finished on the telly. I missed the start...
Hope you get some relief from your tooth/teeth Neti. I've been looking at the photos of when we had out trip. What a grand day it was.
It is now very cold here and heating is up to 20° and it's not going off till 10.30 I'm tucked up in bed.
See yer later 'gater(s)
Big hug for Neti, you are entitled to your lazy day and I hope you feel better tomorrow. It's so cold here agin but no snow
I'm so clumsy I've given up with butter dishes shaney, I have lurpak spreadable and it's in a tub anyway. My 'sugar bowl' is a small plastic food container, it's got a lip so I tend not to drop it...sending a full ceramic one across the kitchen at 11pm was a joy.

hmmm, I've had an email from Harrods & as I've never been in touch with them maybe they know something I don't. Dropping a few of these into the bran tub would make a change from Nivvy...

Never heard of Alice the camel either Jude but I've got the hump 'cos Greggs aren't doing the viennese topped mince pies this year...tut. P'raps Harrods can help me.

Hope you fell better soon Neti.
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Hi all, yes am feeling better but dreading the tooth hurting again. Mr N was a bit stunned at the price, so that's my next 2 chrissy pressies sorted! Hija made a very nice spicy sausage and lentil and veg stew and a lovley apricot dessert. Am tucked up in bed watching TV.

Thanks for good wishes. I am such a wimp. I was thinking of Bil today but no news yet.
Oight oight all.
Oight Oight! I hope I'm saying Night Night!! See y'all tomorrer!!
Morning all
Cold but bright . Come on ..wakey wakey :)
Morning...I've been awakey since 7 o'clock...what are you doing in here at this hour shaney, are you on your marks to be one of the expected 11 million town/city shoppers today? Even if a big fat cheque plops through the letterbox I won't be one of them.
I wish it was bright here, I'd need a light on to do anything domestic.
sun beaming down here. I'm starting to wonder if the oak is ever going to lose its leaves; it's still blocking the afternoon sun. (Can't cut it down much as I'd like to, it is a Heritage Tree, so I have to pay a fortune to get it pruned every couple of years.)
Morning all. Just a quick hello as I'm off out to meet my young friend who likes to chat with me - well I do her as well. We make each other laugh. I'm going to walk there which will take me about 20 mins so I'm off.
Hope your teeth feel much better today Neti.
Have a good day and I'll see yer later 'gater(s)
ggrrrr...just had to rush outside to shoo off a pair of fighting cats...

well whaddya know? my wish came true and it's brightened up, sunshine and blue sky...I've got another wish if the xmas fairy's feeling generous.

I can understand the desire for sunlight jno but you're lucky to have an oak...they're host to squillions of insects. That fact's made you a lot happier hasn't it? :o)
especially if you count pigeons and squirrels as insects, which I do.

Ah, I wondered where the sun had gone. Is this Derby rain I'm now getting in its place?
Morning all, cold and bright here, shouldn't be here, must clean!
Almost the steamer!

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