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New kind of idiocy this time, last player left..... £400, £4000 or £100,000 if you get caught you come back anyway so why would you not take £100,000? She got back easily with 3 lives to spare!... ...
This week's two parter - implausible, far-fetched, credibility stretched to the limit but a jolly good romp. Loving the two new characters, Maggie Steed can do no wrong in my eyes and Francesca... ...
Good lord! I'm enjoying the series but I see every single participant as a cartoon character, not a real person. I can't identify with any of them Anyone else watching?
Multiple choice this time: Q: Winston Churchill said "never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few" about which battle? A: Battle of Dunkirk B: Battle of Britain C:... ...
After all that revolting man has said about women, the BBC are still showing a programme including him, tonight. Disgraceful. When will they ever learn?
I have watched the first two episodes of ITV's new Police drama Patience and I am enjoying it. But can someone tell me what is the puzzle the Police files and and star is playing with /... ...
I've just sat through this multi-Oscar nominated film directed by the French 'auteur' Jacques Audiard. Well that was two hours and ten minutes of my life I won't get back. It's clearly a film which... ...
The story of a world war two veteran who escaped his care home to join commemorations of the D-Day landings in France. Michael Caine and Glenda Jackson are superb. Have your tissues handy.... ...
Finished binge watching The First Lady on U last night. Well worth having a look at. Would never have recognised Gillian Anderson - her portrayal of Eleanor Roosevelt was superb.