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song from The Water Rats

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netibiza | 10:35 Tue 27th Jan 2009 | Film, Media & TV
518 Answers
Did Kylie Minogue ever sing any songs from the Australian Police series "The Water Rats" and if so, what are they?


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Oh blimey Vinny, you'llewanting to wear my size 16 bloomers next!! I'd like to see the Ed find my house as even the postman(actually it's a woman) can't find it!

Had a super time at sister's for bbq. She's the one with cancer and she looks so well, her hair had come back (she lost a bit of it) and looks really nice. Off on a family jolly today to visit Michelham Priory which is supposedly haunted - I would love to encounter a ghost, but not sure if i believe in them!
G'day.... Dream on's more like Nights in Pink Wincey than white satin in here. And have you been muck spreading around ya 'erbs? By heck, the air's a bit ripe this morning, I need acouple of soft tipped pegs for be doze.

I've had a mail from her sister to say that Kit's not feeling so good, she's in a lot of pain & may be away for a while....I knew that cage was for go-go dancing in the park...plant support? I wasn't born yesterday. Wishing you well asap Sweedie hope you're not laid up for long
it gets kinda teejus don't it?

So IP addresses, enlighten me please. Is it definitely one address one computer? Did any of you see the list that was flagged up recently with email addies of ABers on? There was a number at the end of each one sommink like 12.345.67.89 that it? If so, it was very interesting.....
Morning all Well Robi somebody's been spreading it yesterday and today haven't they. A right pong there is round here.

Sorry to hear you're not well Kit hope you feel better soon, and you Robi you too hope you're on the mend now

I've just got back from my sisters after our usual Sat morning cuppa and cream cake. Had to go back to Birds after as I forgot my cooked ham. really like that from there.

Footie is back on now and I will be listening to Derby this afto. I promise not to mention it too often honest.

Hope you all have a good weekend.
Bye for now x

Question Author
Hi all. Just got back from a really nice day out. We had a super lunch in an very olde worlde pub in Chalvington. Didn't see any ghosts although one sister and I were up in a very old tower which was devoid of furniture but had a huge fireplace so i was taking a photo of her and then I asked who touched me and sprang round asking her if she saw anyone. You should have seen her face ( I was only joking). Got the red arrows zooming about overhead and by 'eck they ain't alf noisy!

Take care Kit and get well soon.
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erm I don't think you'll be wanting to mention the footie at all will you Jude? I'm not too bad at the moment thanks...better now the pongy air's a bit clearer. It's windy tho', don't know why I wasted energy vacuuming, I could have opened all the doors & windows & let the dust blow through.

You sound like a happy biddy neti...devoid of furniture? supernatural beings? Isn't that just like being with us?

shaney can't get on the site 'cos of the signing in debacle, so she says to wish a speedy recovery to Sweedie and a Very happy Christmas to all her readers! :o)
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with new lappy i have no trouble signing in now, just can't get used to English keyboard.
English keyboard...that'll be the green and pleasant one then?
mwha ha...

well it looks like my private pilot's forgotten to pick me up so I'll start paddling my canoe then...
but don't worry about me

Morning Robi..... :o)

Sorry you're stuck out there on the doorstep jno.... So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu....have a lovely time! We'll have a rousing chorus of the Lonely Goatherd later...
....well ok, a rousing solo....

sing it baby :o)

morning all, I can only get in through the link on my desktop...hoefully this will post. Its hot and grey here again, DH has gone off to see his mum who isn't well and I am committed to shampooing the living room carpet again :(
laters all
PS big gentle hug to Kit if you are reading this
Morning All Aren't sons funny sometimes. Mine came this morning and stayed about 2 hours and another day he will nip in and out for about 10 minutes. At least he comes Eh!! So I shouldn't complain I know he has a busy life.

It's quite a nice day here today hope to go for a walk in a bit.

Take care all have a good Sunday.

I think I meant Good Afternoon, Doesn't time fly!! :~)
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deep joy, I've had the new Ikea catalogue delivered...

haha, know exactly what you mean don't see one for ages & then two come along at the same time. It's 32 yrs since Elvis died that's time flying!

Morning folks..
Sorry to hear you not well kip..get better soon..its like a ghost town in ere...(AB) I think I will tell ED shaney cant get on.he says he's compilling a list over in CB.Well take care ..must go to work..catch you later...yo.(:O)
Question Author
Morning all - lovely day here, overcast and grey and COOL, love it. On the pier last night there was a huge firework display marking the end of Airbourne and the beaches were packed, it was lovely.
Off to the bank and then shopping yippee!!!
Hiya netti...(((waves))) Shaney...the doors open again..(:O) byeeeee.
Morning everyone. I didn't realise Kit was unwell and can't find anything about it on here? I don't have an email address for her, so please can someone wish her well from me.

Glad you're having a good time Neti. I presume Primark wil be running out of stock this week.

These are definitely you, so get down there quickly! orized/2008/08/01/primark_autumn_08.jpg

morning...last post on previous page Lottie...

brace yourself neti, it's going to be hot on Wednesday....just the one day, no need to panic.

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