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Wallander, last night

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mata hati | 10:32 Sun 16th Oct 2011 | TV
5 Answers
Did anyone watch Wallander last night? I am confused as to what Svedberg had to do with the murders in the forest! anyway another good story!


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I understood it to be because he had befriended one of the young people who were killed.
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Oh, I see. A complicated ( as usual) plot - but great viewing dont you think?
It's difficult to have an opinion of this version. I started into Wallander by watching the Swedish TV series with Krister Henriksson as W. I then started to read the books. Then Kenneth Branagh filmed some of them. Now we have Rolf Lassgard as W.
I think K Henriksson is closest to the book character but K Branagh's versions follow the book plots seasonably closely.
R Lassgard's ones are different in character in a completely new way. Overall I prefer K Henriksson versions.

....reasonably closely.
Almost all of the Krister Henriksson versions are written for television as the two young police persons Pontus and Isabelle don't appear in the books .
The films with Rolf Lassgård are films of the actual books by Henning Mankell They started making them in 1994.
They are very true to the books .Which is good because I loathe seeing a good book ruined on TV or film .
I love both versions .Very watchable .

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Wallander, last night

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