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Whitechapel tonight

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shaneystar2 | 00:04 Tue 06th Mar 2012 | TV
1089 Answers
When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?


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Jude download that type as you speak programme, but I don't think its any good!

Watched a news prog the other day and they were saying that the rain is killing off the butterflies cos they cannot do what they do in that much rain, and that Attenborough chappy wants you all to count the butterflies per day that you see in your garden.

Lovely piccies all of you.
That will be easy Neti - today - no butterflies, yesterday - no butterflies and so on and so on - and seeing as we live in the countryside with a large garden full of butterfly friendly plants that is not good news.

Thinking of you Jude. Will you have to stay in hospital?

Lovely garden, not seen a butterfly here since the spring. I'm glad I didn't bother with many planters. My hydrangea's lovely too but when it rains (it poured this afternoon) the flowers get heavy and bow down. The roses were here and gone in no time and the huge ballerina shrub rose on the front usually goes on and on and people stop to look at it...the flowers have gone brown and nobody even looks up in the bloomin rain. It's a miserable year.
yes lottie i have to be in overnight. then the next day i come home i have an appointment with my cataract man at 10 to 5 inthe afternoon and the trauma nurse said i would be able to go to that. how about that then. i've already cancelled my dental appointment on monday. i'm really p#,/xd off but trying not to lose my sense of humour ;)
Shall be thinking of you next week Jude. Hope you have got transport sorted out. Is your sister going to be around?

Robi, you will notice from my planters that there are only two with summer bedding, just a few begonias. The couple of geraniums outside were ones I overwintered in the conservatory. It just wasn't worthwhile doing anything else - not worth forking out for plants. But I do miss the butterflies. Lots of bees though this year, which can't be bad.
you know, I think my stomach could reasonably stop reacting to the antibiotics any time now, considering I haven't taken any for two days.

rumble rumble
Jno, probiotics is what you need
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Lovely garden pictures .I haven't got anything spectacular in the garden this year.It's just a soggy mess .That bush I asked about bloomed away lovely ..for about a day or two.Most of the bloom is now all over the ground having been beaten down by the rain .In fact everything is just droopy and sodden.
My brother did bring me a mahoosive cucumber today though from his greenhouse .
You sound cheerful Jude ....under the circs .I hope it all goes well .
I've spent the evening watching Meet the Parents and Meet the Fokkers ..silly films but they make me laugh .
Antibiotics upset my tum Jno .They never used to but various things upset my insides these days . .Those yogurt drinks are good .Have you got any Buscopan or similar?
I'm just waiting for the dishwasher to chug round so will say Oight Oight
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I haven't had a drink but I'm beginning to think I have I just went in the front room and looked out of the window and there are all these orange lights in the sky going over out to sea .I thought ..huh ? So I come and get the binos and they look like shooting stars ..Weird .The other night I saw a plane travelling quite low in a southerly direction as well .It looked like a passenger plane to me and we rarely see a plane here .Mr S said it was my imagination but I definitely saw it .
Those lights sound like maroons shaney. I am having one of those nights. Can't sleep and despite very good dinner ( monkfish, potatoes and grilled tomatoes then yoghurt jelly and canned cherries) I was hungry. Anyway I had a peanut butter sandwich except for the crusts which got scavenged. Still can't sleep though. Not too worried as Shughy has another day under preventive house arrest befor being allowed to go and eat horse manure in the forest. Allowing for suitable weather we'll go for a drive and lunch out.
That's a fab house Lottie, doesn't look like I won on the lottery though and I've just had a premium bond cheque for 25 quid which is very nice but won move me far....
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I'm still up wandering about ..No I don't they were maroons Woofy .I would have heard them .I stood out on the doorstep with the binos and it was all quiet and they just came floating over in the sky quite slowly .When I looked at them through the binos they looked like an orangey flickery ball with a little tail ...I'm beginning to think I'm seeing things ....must turn in .Nite Nite...pats for the woofers xxx
We're they those paper balloony things with a nightlight in?
Nite nite.
good morning, finally got to sleep after 3. Have just had a strong cup of coffee but still zonked.
Morning all...happy st swithin's day, haha. The met office and their multi million pound fir cone say it will be dry today...we'll see?? oops, I see we're down for a shower at 4pm...oh goody, another 40 days then.

If it's aliens shaney send 'em to me, I think abduction to another planet could be the only way to get dry.

Hate to tell you jno but once when some antibiotics upset my tum I was going at speed for eight days :o(. And the thing that made me better ... here she goes again ...was the slippery elm food I always go on about.
shaney - scroll down a bit to Somerton

and some over Notts a couple of days ago
not so many of them over Norfolk as a rule, but perhaps they are looking for subjects toa bduct for their alien medical experiments.

Feeling ok this morning, touch wood (slippery elm possibly). Hope other biddies are still keeping the other foot out of the grave.
been asleep and had terrible dreams so have showered to wash them away and we are going out.
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Haha...well I never ..I told Mr S I wasn't going crackers !
Just the mystery of the plane to solve now ...
Hope you are all Ok today ..yoohoo Jude are you doing ?
Bit dull and dreary here .Chilly actually .Had to put a cardi on .
And now the sun looks to be appearing ..blink and you'll miss it .
Is it ? ...It is ? Whoop whoop's gone again ...come back !

♫I'm the urban spaceman baby, I've got speed ,I've got everything you need..♫
If you see a strange robot like zombi in Morrisons in Fakenham it is me!!! I feel like an alien today. Really feel grotty, and like Woofy had horrible dreams last night.

I suppose I ought to go to Morrisons now, we have nothing for dinner tonight. (No rain as yet, but there are some big black clods about)
♫ do do do dooo...♫ <(that was close encounters :)

That's just how I felt yeterday Lottie, and I hurt so much I couln't even scratch my itchy skin. Not quite so bad today but I'm not doing much.
There are always lots of clods about, irrespective of their colour :o)

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