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Whitechapel tonight

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shaneystar2 | 00:04 Tue 06th Mar 2012 | TV
1089 Answers
When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?


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we went to Lyndhurst and ate lunch in the car....dogs are happy and I feel better. Its like half my brain has things it needs it needs to process in a dream and the other half knows its going to be a horrible dream and refuses to sleep.
Forgot to add I have just seen two red admirals in the garden. One was totally perfect, it must have just hatched. It was sat on a sunny leaf pumping its wings....beautiful.
hee hee i've just learned how to peel an apple with my right elbow and a potato peeler.!! all being well lottie when i know what time they want me at the hospital my steady is picking me up.
aren't thosethings in the air those chinese lanterns they send up at parties...
lol Jude, well done

No butterflies here :(
jude you are just so tough....i broke a wrist as a child and can still remember the agony.
took a sleeping pill last night, slept right through, and I seem to be back to normalish today, so all is probably well. We even went out to Stratford today to gaze upon ye wondrous Olympic Stadium from the top floor of John Lewis and scrabble round Uniqlo. Thought of going into Primarché as well but didn't feel up to it.
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Well done Jude !
We've just had a nice dinner,yum yum .. ..Schnitzel,new local spuds.Leipziger Allerlei ( that'll confuse 'em ) and cucumber salad .Home grown cues are very tasty unlike those watery things you get in Morrisons .Strawbs and ice cream shortly while I watch Wallander .
No rain as yet ..can't believe we've had two dry days in a row .
There's not a flutterby to be seen here either although I nearly shared my bed with one of those horrible buzzing crunchy bugs last night .Ugh landed on the pillow ...eeeek....
oight oight biddyfriends everywhere!! sleep tight. i'll report back soon.
laters 'gaters x
Good luck tomorrow Jude, I'll be thinking of you. Keep your sunny side up. x
sleep well jude, will be thinking of you tomorrow
hope you're soon as good as new, Jude
I might have had some champagne. It's good for you when you are fed up and full of grapes so that's one of mt five a day. Night night all
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Good luck tomorrow Jude xx
Oight Oight all .
Thinking of Jude today.

Good morning all.

Don't feel quite so crip today, and those black CLODS never did turn to rain, so we will be dry for the next 40 days and nights.

See you later.

Morning all....rainin'...cold...feel 'squiggly'....deep joy. :)

Hope Jude's getting sorted today and hasn't been put off. I hate Monday arrangements, they're too often altered.
another awake all night last night idea why, went to bed feeling okay and ready to sleep. Am going to hit myself on the head with a hammer tonight.
Mr LL has gone out today..................... I have put the heating on!!!! I will sneak it off later today.
I have had a bad couple of nights too Woofie. Was up at 5.00 this am. Am feeling it now!!
I've put the heating on too!
It beats me how I can go to bed feeling ok and sleepy but as soon as my head hits the pillow I feel like hell and end up awake half the night.
I go straight to sleep Robi and then wake up about an hour or so later, needing to wee and having had horrible dreams, then the rest of the night continuous along the wee, dream pattern. Eventually at the end of the night I feel absolutely exhausted and quite sick. Am fed up with it. I would love to go to bed, sleep all night and wake up feeling refreshed.

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Whitechapel tonight

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