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Whitechapel tonight

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shaneystar2 | 00:04 Tue 06th Mar 2012 | TV
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When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?


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I didn't hang them yet I changed them!!
hi all thanks again for your kind words andthe cutecat lottie. im getting sorted today. ordered paper to be delivered until im better. just muddling along with everything els. ironing is the only thing i cant do.

have a good weekend all my biddyfriends. whateve4r happens i'll never forget you.

see yer later 'gaters.
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Hello all
Glad you are coping Jude and hope it won't be too long before they sort it out for you .Take it easy .
Not bad here ,warm and sunny on and off .No rain as yet and we don't want any !!
Bleugh that's horrible Jno .I've been to a few Polterabends in my time but never seen anything like that .Just the usual plate smashing .
Glad to hear you are okay Jude. What is ironing?
Dog's tum is much better and he is now getting wound up because of the day I will have a normal life but not today. I am changing seat throws daily because of the mud and the floor looks dreadful again....oh well.
IRONING - exactly woofie what is it! i dint do much anyway but it is beginning to pile up. My lovely plumber and his wife and little boy have just left. he came last night and took me to sainsburys to stock up for the week.
going to muddle through and cook my dinner now. laters x
Ironing? I'll tell you what ironing is, having just done a week's worth of sheets pillowcases, duvet covers, t-shirts, shorts, you name it I've ironed it! But I did it in hija's room with the air con blasting out really cool (she has stronger leccy plugs than I have in my room), and it was fine, TV on, and then I walked out into the rest of the house, like walking into an oven, really stifling, so leapt into pool fully clothed as is my want! Now cool in my room watching "Brewster's Millions" on TV, and trying to do the Telegraph GK crossword, thanks to Sarumite who is up and about after his hip replacement on 26th June!
Hi Jude, glad you are getting help and coping !!

Ironing sheets, duvet covers, shorts and T shirts Neti!! - You must be barmy. I just stick 'm in the tumbler for a few minutes after they come off the line, thes soften and the creases fall out, then I fold and put them away.

I iron his proper shirts and his 'good' trousers my trousers and a couple of my tops and that is it!! (And I still have a pile in the spare room - good job he has loads of shirts).
Mr LL has been getting our lunch over the last few weeks. I do offer, but he says he enjoys it!! I am not complaining. I think I am enjoying him being retired after all!!

(I do get dinner!!)
Hi Jude, glad you're coping. You'll be ok, my mum amazed us when she broke her arm, think she saw it as a challenge actually. She had to have a pin through her elbow and she could never quite rotate her hand fully afterwards but they're brilliant nowadays, just been talking to someone who's had two new ankles!

I could do with a bionic body, dragged myself to the shops and I wanted to sit down on the pavement and cry. :(

Do you want to see my massive bumblias?!
(that's what a neighbour used to call them :)
wonderful Robi. You'd almost think it was summer! I bought three "Buzz" variety that stay very short. they are currently together in a tub and will flower next year.
I have a lovely lady who does my ironing. When i worked and DH and I needed a clean work shirt every day, she was an essential. Now its a luxury, I drop stuff off once a week and her husband laid my patio (he is a builder and hard landscaper)
I don't need a pool to go outside and get wet fully dressed, tis tumbling down here again.
Blimey Robi, my bumblias aren't in flower at all.

Talking of bumblias, I have seen about two butterflies in total in our garden this summer!!
lovey flowers robi. are they the bushes that butterflies go into a lot. when you tellme the proper name then i will remember.
i think i shall be the bionic woman after monday as i have 2 pins and a coil of wire in my left elbow when i broke it in 2000 feb 29th. but i wasn't plastered thnand i did it at wrok inthe arm and was being operated on at 3 in the pm.
that should be 10 in the amm
Buddleias Jude...that one is from a cutting I took from my mum's after she died...and yes, they do have lots of butterfies and moths, when there are any that is. I've got a very dark blue one but it hasn't opened yet & the bees like it more than the butterflies.
haven't seen any butterflies here, just a few alligators sliding through the swamps. We put in drains a few years back but they don't cover the entire lawn, let alone the flower borders, and a lot of it is just sodden. Lots of clematis in bloom and some of them are really colourful, though they'd be none the worse for a bit of sunshine. And we've got a few choisyas with plenty of new leaves on them, which are bright. No bumblias though.
to judge by your typing, Jude, you're plastered now! :-)
Hope this works. Took them this afternoon. But they don't compare to Robi's Bumblea. Not a good year for flowers, especially roses, so have tried to vary the leaf colour.

And I don't often have Russian Soldiers in the garden.....................
just as well, they play havoc with the lawn
lovely photos lottie what alovely garden. lol jno.yes my typing at the mo is crip - index finger left hand.
my other hand is just bruised also my elbow where they were pulling to get the bones in line obviously without successas the specialist explained to me. i dread to thiink what my arm and wrist look like under the plaster.
going to wash the pots now and make a cuppa. if i dont come back have a good night more day and 2 more nights then i should get sorted. x

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