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Cam Belt

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dennisb66 | 09:49 Wed 06th Feb 2013 | Motoring
8 Answers
Recently my Fiat Grand Punto had a new cam belt fitted as the car was 5 years old. My daughter is looking for a small car 2/3 years old,my question is do all cars now require a cam belt chain after 5 years or 72000 miles or does this only apply to Fiats.Just want to warn my daughter of possible future expense.


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They're all different, my Fiesta was 100,000 miles or 10 years. Ask the seller about the timing belt and a receipt if it's been changed
No, it depends on the make and model. Our Citroen had it done at the last service because on that model it is 10 years or 100,000 miles, whichever is earlier.
No it varies hugely Fords are often over 100K now

There's a website I fould that lists the interval for each car I'll post it if I can find it again
A Cam belt changed after 60000 is advisable Dennis, also the pulley / + I would advise the Fan belt as the full package, you know then that the lot are right, you normally get chains on the bigger engines, make sure you get the receipts and warranties.
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Thanks for your replies.Have checked your link Jake,very good although it says 48months for my Grand Punto and handbook says 5 years.
If you're given two readings always go for the shorter one. It' possibly because there have been problems. The shorter time is obviously safer and the possible outcome can be disastrous.
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