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Best Product For Washing A Car.

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Gavmacp | 09:30 Sun 12th May 2013 | Motoring
32 Answers
Basically always had old cars which I did not worry about and used washing up liquid. Remember someone saying it can damage the paintwork. Is this true?


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See what I mean.
There's a cleaning product called Elbow Grease, wouldn't recommend it for cleaning a car tho'.
My thoughts exactly Tilly!
Why ?, the car is now nice and clean possibly a bit damp inside though.
My Triumph Herald convertible had a leaky roof. Over the years, it took on a very distinctive smell.
Yes Yilly, those old convertibles Herald, Spitfire, MGB etc all seemed to have that errrrrrrm certain distinctive smell !.
For over 30 years I have used washing-up liquid to clean my cars and never experienced any problems with the paint-work that I could attribute to using washing-up liquid.

After washing the car, I then wash the car again with clean water (applied with a sponge) to remove streaks – I then allow the car to dry naturally.

Now that all cars are made with galvanised bodies – if the paint-work cannot withstand diluted washing-up liquid, the manufacturer has a serious quality issue.
Speaking of those old convertibles the first car I had was an D reg MGB, proper chrome bumpers, wire wheels, the full monty, and its the only car I've ever had that I've washed and polished myself. If I'd got a penny for every hour I'd spent polishing that car I'd be a rich man. I loved that old car and when I hit the road in the summer hood down and the bodywork gleaming I was the King of the Road.
Yes paddywak I know what you mean. One of my early cars was a Ford Capri Mk 1 3000 GT XLR, I loved that car went like a rocket and was a proper bird puller no one was allowed to touch that car except for myself.
A couple of months went in to a car wash area in town .Then signs clearly said £4 hot wash .Though I just confirm before the wash was done .How much is the four pound wash the gentleman said 6 pounds .So i just said you know what the cars looks fine ill leave it .No matter what the signs say always ask.
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