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AB Editor | 09:23 Mon 04th Apr 2016 | Motoring
30 Answers

This poll is closed.

  • No, I don't have a dashcam - 136 votes
  • 77%
  • I have a dashcam but I have never needed to use the footage - 36 votes
  • 20%
  • Yes, the footage from my dashcam has deterred someone from taking action against me - 2 votes
  • 1%
  • Yes, I have used footage from my dashcam in court - 2 votes
  • 1%
  • Yes, I have used footage from my dashcam for insurance purposes - 1 vote
  • 1%

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Stats until: 17:23 Tue 03rd Dec 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)


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Often thought I'd like a dashcam but since none seem to catch the idiots that hit the car or even deliberately vandaise it when it's parked and I'm not there, they seem to do only half the job.
I was going to vote B but I can't find a way to do it.
OG - you can get dashcams with a G sensor which will start it recording if the car is banged.
can't quite see how 4 votes were in when only one person had replied.
The local police force BMW,it's free!
My dashcam also records when parked up. It has front and rear cameras with wide angles.
A - don't have a tom-tom either, but I'm good at maps.

Where do we vote please Ed?
^^^^ PS Can't see how to vote either.
I complained about not being able to vote at 10:36 - nothing's been done about it.
Replies and votes are different. Replies aren't counted in the poll.
Cheers. Must look into G Sensor then. Hope they don't flatten the battery though ;-)
yes I have downloaded my dashcam and after review - decided NOT to use it in court...

the problem with some of the izzy-zizzy chips is .... I lost it oops !
Question Author
Sorry about that, you should all be able to vote now :)
I don't want to vote now, I want to vote yesterday.
Question Author
This, Jom, I can't help with :)
They appear to be very good at catching everybody else's accidents!
Oh come on Ed. Just put your costume on and whiz around the Earth a few times, like superman did.
## Question Author

Sorry about that, you should all be able to vote now :) ##

''What was the question again Ed? ;-)''

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