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Peugeot 206

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Sasha13 | 19:54 Fri 14th Oct 2005 | Motoring
2 Answers
Are they good value for money? If so, which models are best? I will be looking to spend around �3K on a car soon, and at first glance, these look like a good option - would I be right? Thanks for any advice.


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Avoid the base models which are very poorly equiped inside and feel cheap and nasty. The base 1.1 motor is weedy and gutless too. Much more interesting further up the range, the 1.4 is torquey and relaxing to drive.

I think the pick of the bunch is the XSi, just like the 306 before it, 90% as good as the, much more expensive, range topping GTi. 

Never ever buy the 1.4 HDI, I have an SE version (54 plate) and whilst the car is rather nice inside with a decent stereo and Digital AC and plenty of other bits, it's engine is pitiful! It's a company car that was given to me without me choosing it, I would have gone for a slightly more powerful diesel if given the choice. The engines can sometimes die on you (usually whilst pulling out of a junction) so you'd be advised to give them a dam good test drive first.

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Peugeot 206

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