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Would You Like Me To Exterminate You?

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ToraToraTora | 10:26 Mon 02nd Dec 2024 | News
35 Answers

Yep it seems some of those who voted yes the other day are indeed worried that this is in the bill: "..... allow doctors to raise assisted dying as an option without the terminally ill patient having asked for it first."

Hopefully that will kill the bill, disgusting.

Cue a load of irrelevant heart rending tales of woe.....



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I never had you down as a drama queen, TTT.

What did you have him down as naomi?

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It's not me who's doing the drama.

he's not being a drama queen. That is in the bill. 

It is you who's doing the drama, TTT.  Ridiculous use of language.  This is about talking to people - not exterminating them.   The discussion about the whole thing, every aspect and every side of the argument, has to be had like it or not.

Oh we know who's irrelevant alright.

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10:39 It's in the bill. They literally ask the person if they want to be euthanised. They may use Shakespearean prose but that's what they are asking.

Does every Act end up worded exactly as it appeared when first published as a Bill?

Have you not heard of amendments being proposed and debated when a Bill passes through various stages in Parliament prior to its becoming an Act?

As the article states ///MPs who voted in favour of the assisted dying bill have raised concerns about parts of it and want to see changes before giving it final approval.///

This is part of the 'checks and balances' which will tighten-up the legislation, as is quite correct.

Your pearl-clutching schtick is quite ridiculous.

In the first sentence of your link, "MPs who voted in favour of the assisted dying bill have raised concerns about parts of and want to see changes before giving it final approval."

Did you miss that bit information?

but do people who support this want that provision to be removed? or are they happy with doctors being allowed to instigate the discussion of euthanasia?

people are getting very tetchy about tora questioning this. strange.

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10:52 Yes untitled they are makes me wonder why.  Anyway I am grateful for your support on this.

TORATORATORA, appears to believe the Bill, as it is currently, is set in stone and is ignoring the fact that it can be amended.

So what's wrong with asking, TTT?  If you are terminally ill doctors won't keep it a secret from you like they did in times gone by. You'll be told and you will have to deal with it - and that's not easy.   No one is suggesting that other people make a decision on the sufferers behalf - this is a matter of personal choice.  Sick animals cannot make a choice but If we forced them to live in pain and misery until they died a natural death we would be prosecuted.  Why does your compassion not extend to human beings in the same way?

My experiences with my Mum and the Liverpool Pathway (now outlawed thankfully) make this a great big NO.

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naomi: "So what's wrong with asking, TTT?  " - people who ask that are the same people that can't see where this whole bandwagon is leading. Scope creep.

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naomi: "No one is suggesting that other people make a decision on the sufferers behalf" - not yet, that comes later when it's challenged as it innevitably will be.

TTT, that's no answer.  What do you think is going to happen?

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naomi: "Sick animals cannot make a choice but If we forced them to live in pain and misery until they died a natural death we would be prosecuted.  Why does your compassion not extend to human beings in the same way?" - ahh the classic misdirection of one that refuses to see. I am against this 100% because my compassion extends to human beings. It will be missused, conflated, challenged and perverted.

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