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middle-aged man's car

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flipnflap | 11:22 Thu 06th Jan 2011 | Motoring
53 Answers
what cars do middle-aged men tend to buy in an attempt to impress the ladies? Makes and models please...


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suburu impreza to impress 18-24s. BMW M3 for 25-35. Aston Martin Vantage 35-45. Bentley Continental after that.
''a lady that was impressed by ANY car that I drove wouldn't be welcome in my car''

You sure about that Naz?

I'm getting one of these to impress the ladies..
Changed my mind, I'm getting one of these instead.
in a very generic evolutionary sense, women are more attracted to wealthy mates because of the support required to live a nice life, raise a family (if desired) etc etc. a man with money is more likely to by a luxury soft top funster for the weekends, and as andy hughs said, the byproduct of women gushing at his nice car, nice clothes, nice teeth, clean shoes and expensive watch is a hazard that some of us just have to put up with in life. it becomes a burden sometimes, but we cope.
I have heard a number of women confirming that the state of a man's shoes is a minor factor in assessing his attraction. I think the argument that a man who takes the trouble to dress nicely probably has other attractive attributes as well.

I do wear nice shoes - Doc Martens - and I always ensure that my clothes are clean and pressed, my nails are clean, my teeth are brushed, and I smell nice thanks to a variety of colognes which I wear on a casual rotation basis.

There is no excuse for not doing the best with what you have - it's self-respect.
brains are very attractive to women as well, not in the cannabalistic sense of course ;)
''I always ensure that my clothes are clean and pressed, my nails are clean, my teeth are brushed, and I smell nice thanks to a variety of colognes which I wear on a casual rotation basis''

Reported... sounds like advertising to me ;-p
LOL snags!
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this should impress the gals
Snags, I've been in that situation several times ... but who to choose?
I must be odd. I am attracted to scruffy (but clean!) men in tatty jeans and T shirts with stubble and unruly hair. They can turn up on a bike and the wealth factor is not important as long as they are self sufficient and can afford to pay their way.

See, easily pleased!!
This would impress the ladies ...
Oh yes, intelligence, musicality and a dry sense of humour are also most important.
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LOL Pinki!!
not sure of make and model flipnflap, but you could try this.


or any of these if you are really desperate for attention.

Well I bought a 1978 Triumph Spitfire. I do not think it impresses the ladies that much but I sure enjoy it!
I think some men buy cars to impress themselves. Personalised number plates and exotic Rolls Royce cars. I bet Alan Sugar never bought his Rolls Royce to impress his wife.

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