Learner Driver
A chap's waiting at the lights in his Jag just behind a learner and just in front of a police car.
The lights turn green.
The learner stalls.
The lights turn red.
The lights turn green again.
The learner stalls again.
The lights turn red again.
The man in the Jag gets out of his car and storms towards the learner in front of him.
At that moment, a voice comes over the police car's loudspeaker: "would the gentleman in the Jaguar please remember that he, too, was a learner driver once".
The Jaguar driver returns to his car, sheepishly.
The lights turn green again.
The learner stalls again.
The lights turn red again.
A voice comes from the police car's loudspeaker again: "oh for Christ's sake, the silly ***'s gone and stalled it again!"