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Nepotism And Old School Ties.

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sandyRoe | 09:49 Wed 07th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
17 Answers

Years ago Labour PM, Jim Callaghan, appointed his son-in-law as ambassador to Washington.

And after George Osborne left politics he was made editor of the Evening Standard.

Were they qualified for those jobs or was it they had the right connections?



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Well you know what they say Sandy "It's not what you know, it's who you know." 
10:13 Wed 07th Aug 2024

Sandy do you really think Nepotism And Old School Ties is a suitable subject for a category that is meant to be "a place for natter and fun"?


Don't mention the mods.

Where should he have put it?

In the garbage can along with his other stirrings.

LB, how about Society & Culture?

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It's clearly not news.  

Family and relationships, perhaps?

Well you know what they say Sandy "It's not what you know, it's who you know."


I cannot imagine they would have been accepted into the position if they weren't qualified to do the job. No doubt their connections got them through the door though.

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I believe Shirley Temple was appointed American ambassador to an African country.  So it's not just here that this happens.

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TThat's right, AP.

Doubt there are many ABers who haven't benefitted from or indulged in a spot of it.

"Old-school ties" doesn't usually refer to family members, it's said to refer to the influence of those who attended certain schools and benefit from that fact.

I know CB is popular but it shouldn't be used as the default category for questions as it's intended to be a bit of light relief.

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Osborne may have benefited from the old school tie, Jay from nepotism.

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Wondering if there's a minimum posting requirement to retain elevated status around these parts.

God moddies, leave him alone! - first one  is nepotism ( son in law)

and the second is old school tie - St Paul's.

Osborne was succeeded at the Standard by Emily Sheffield, David Cameron's sister in law. The paper's owner Evgeny Lebedev was doubtless trying to get into the Establishment - and succeeded when Boris made him a Baron.

The Standard is now a weekly. Osborne is now Chairman of the British Museum.

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