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Ever Hopeful

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maggiebee | 11:13 Wed 07th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
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What Would It Be Like

What would it be like,

To live in a world that was at peace.

A world with no crime,

And no need for any police.

To live a life that’s free,

And live by your own terms.

A world with no disease,

A world free from germs.

Where every one was on your side,

And we helped each other out.

And disagreements were sorted,

With no one having to shout.

Where no one was belittled,

For getting something wrong.

And the weak were not left behind,

But carried by the strong.

Where people could be themselves,

That person they forgot.

Where no one had to pretend,

They were something they are not.

No masters, no tyrants,

No kings or queens.

And for that virus called greed,

We had special vaccines.

Where a kind act is rewarded,

By the most wonderful feeling.

And drugs were a thing,

Only used for healing.

Where everyone has a garden,

And a roof over their head.

And no one is hungry,

When they’re asleep on their bed.

Everyday was filled with happiness,

No broken hearts or tears.

Just a man made paradise,

With no hatred and no fears.

Then with a twinkle in our eye,

And a smile on our face.

We could all say we are proud,

To be a part of the human race.

Michael Roan



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