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I'm Not Interested In Popular Music, But...

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sandyRoe | 10:11 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | Music
53 Answers

...even I have heard of Oasis.

If you could would you go to see them,?



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No, I don't believe in looking back

Not even in anger?


I only liker one or two of their songs, so i wouldn't go to see them.

I'll bet the ticket 'scammers' are rubbing their grubby little mitts in anticipation.


They are just a blur to me

Niece's grandchildren are desperate to go to see them but they're too young.  18+ only.

I onve sat in a first class cabin (Rail) with Liam, Patsy and a couple of their kids. There were only six seats in a cabin in those days so I must admit I thought "Here we go".  However I have to say they were both polite and thier kids very well behaved on the 2 hour journey.

No I wouldnt go to see them and certainly not at the prices the tickets are likely to be.

Concert prices are mad these days. I think it's because that's how bands make their money now. Probably not much to be made through streaming.

Never in a million years.  Can't believe it's the most important bit of news in the world today but it was the first item on the news bulletin I listened to.

I call their horrendous noise hangover music as it induces that nauseating feeling in me.

LOL Rocky, my daughter won't go to Glastonbury because of the toilet situation.

ladybirder - // LOL Rocky, my daughter won't go to Glastonbury because of the toilet situation. //

I have attended various festivals, and been exceedingly grateful for access to 'Press Only' facilities.

For some reason, people who, by definition, have an above average level of income, can turn pristine toilets into unuseable heaps of you-know-what within ten minutes of having access to them.

It's like the naughty kid who trashes your back garden, but wouldn't dream of doing it at home.

I have no idea why they is, but it is, and always has been.

Remember Oasis at Glastonbury. Biggest pair of *** since Dolly Parton headlined there!

Stared out...think of a small bird...


Andy Hughes, how do you manage to access 'press only' facilities without credentials? 

I saw them at Knebworth (supported by The Prodigy and the Manics) in 1996. Great show...but wouldn't see them again...only because if I'm going to lay £200 to see a live show, it's going to have to be someone I really really really want to see.

Back in 2009, Take That did a massive show at Wembley stadium (Circus tour). Seeing videos of the show at the time, the crowd seemed to be full of women in their forties reliving their teen years with their actual teenage daughters looking shocked at how insane their mums were acting.

Got a feeling this is going to be the male version of that.

I think you're right. Half of our local, male, 45 years and up, will be hunting tickets on Saturday morning 

Noel has some talent, but Liam?

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