ChatterBank0 min ago
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I am listening to a radio phone-in, subject being Boris Johnson maybe easing the lockdown today, the presenters is asking what listeners want. Some people are so selfish and short sighted, one is...
…and will return their honorary military appointments and Royal patronages.
https:/ / /news/u k-56127 673
I wonder if they will have to relinquish the Sussex title too? I hope so....
frankenstein meat no thanks, i wonder if he eats it.
https:/ /www.ex press.c ws/scie nce/140 0264/bi ll-gate s-news- climate -change -synthe tic-mea ts-cows -greenh ouse-ga ses-met hane-mi crosoft -ont...
Can you imagine the terror of the passengers and crew aboard Thank god the pilots managed to land safely Must have been a frightening experience...
Prince Charles has gone to visit Prince Phillip in hospital. Hope he is ok.
https:/ / /news/u k-56141 128...
Someone was on the box this morning saying that all the viruses in the world would fit inside a coke can. Weird thought.
https:/ / /news/u k-56125 462...
How do you stop millions of people chucking non-biodegradable crap down the sink and toilet?
https:/ / /news/u k-engla nd-lond on-5612 4639...
https:/ / n-gb/fo odanddr ink/foo dnews/p ub-land lord-ha s-no-ch oice-bu t-to-ch uck-%c2 %a31500 -worth- of-beer /vi-BB1 dPSEs?o cid=mai lsignou t...
https:/ /news.s story/p rincess -latifa -united -nation s-asks- for-pro of-that -missin g-dubai -prince ss-is-a live-12 222591
I wouldn't put it past them to have bumped her off....
https:/ / ews/202 1-02-15 /roadma p-out-o f-covid -lockdo wn-rest riction s-when- it-will -be-ann ounced- by-bori s-johns on-and- what-mi ght-it- say I personally think it'll be more schools to go back...
https:/ / .uk/new s/14078 422/fac ebook-c ensor-o nline-f aggots- peas-bl ack-cou ntry/ww w
The Americans must think the black country have very strange eating habits...
Why are some people so vile? A man has been charged for tweeting 'The only good Brit soldier is a dead one, burn old fella burn', just what was he thinking by saying something so wicked, if it wasn't...
China states the covid virus started in US. The American biological lab at Fort Detrick is blamed by China as the source of covid. The lab was closed in late 2018 due to safety concerns....
https:/ / /news/e ntertai nment-a rts-561 01990
Can't hurt I suppose...........
https:/ / /news/u k-wales -561008 10...
https:/ / /news/t echnolo gy-5608 5499...
https:/ / /news/u k-engla nd-manc hester- 5610119 8 This council has been in the news and it shows what a bunch of self important busy bodies they are. OK this is a parish council but major town...
A good thing or not?
https:/ /www.da ilymail news/ar ticle-9 273261/ Faceboo k-news- ban-Aus tralian -PM-say s-tech- giants- think-t heyre-b igger-g overnme nts.htm l?ito=p ush-not ificati on& ci=7904 7&s i=24942 750...
https:/ / /news/w orld-au stralia -561090 36
who's in the right here then?...