He doesn't "stand up for his country" though.
He runs a corrupt kleptocracy while mouthing increasingly extreme nationalistic sentiments. Probably not because he believes it, but because he's clever enough to realise that it's good populist politics.
(Someone ought to ask Miss/Ms/Mrs James what she thinks of his doctoring of Russian history curriculum textbooks to airbrush out Stalin's crimes and present him also as a "great leader": perhaps she'd then replace Putin with Stalin in her top three:-) )
To the outsider looking in, who doesn't want to think too deeply about it, that might seem like something to put him on a par with Churchill. It betrays something fundamentally unpleasant I am afraid about UKIP, because let's face it these people DO admire him, of course they do. It suggests that they value nationalism above morality.
Or maybe she just wants to get headlines of course.