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NJ, my issue is... We voted for a representative of the UK to speak on our behalf for the EU. A bit like local MPs.
The vote we cast, never elected the people we wanted at the EU, even though they are democratically elected.
I have no issue with this, we lost the vote, fine. The EU is still democratic.
However, farage and brexeteers had objection to this, because it didn't fit their egos.
So, we left... kicking and stamping our feet, even though the whole process is democratic.
Now, brexeteers moan at remainers because, as they say, were crying because the vote didn't go out way, even though it was so close, and was based on lies, and racism, and propoganda.
Don't you think the whole situation is a little.. Ironic?
Voting remain is the status quo. It's for us to still be in the EU and for the election process within the EU to continue as it was, even if we didn't win (or farages vote didn't win) whatever.
Anyhow, the liars managed to get the UK public to vote their way, but they've been so poor at executing their ideology that we've had multiple extensions and gone through two (pretty much 3 including david) primeministers.
All brexit does, is show how much of a shambles UK politics is and how much of an embarrassment we are. We can't even compose ourselfs whilst planning to leave, but we're so confident we can just leave no deal.
Whilst this is going on, the UK public is divided by remoaners and brectums going at each other, internally in parties and across party lines.
This vote will not be a standard general election, and anyone treating it as such, is a fool. This is the most critical general election, i will probably ever face in my time on this earth.