Love This Song, Sunshine On Leith. I...
Music2 mins ago
Almost every time I hear that coming from a politician I know they're lying. I've just watched the television questions & answers session between seven people telling us to vote for their party - which actually turned out to be more or less a cat fight between Angela Raynor and Penny Mordaunt. I've no idea who the 'referee' was but she was hopeless. Nigel Farage - the only one to speak anything near to the truth - as harsh as that may be - bring it on!
Your thoughts on that 'debate'?
He says it a good idea for us to have zero net migration, he also says that the NHS spends a fortune on diversity training. He says Reform will magically reduce waste/bureaucracy in the NHS (saving hundreds of millions) and give us all tax cuts while maintaining or improving public services.
I could make such stupid announcements – but I wouldn’t expect anyone to believe me.
This is worth a read;
A road down which the NHS should not go & another lemon from Rishi: fatties rejoice !
"If you keep repeating a lie...people will believe it"
Well you'd know all about that. You've been peddling the story that leaving the EU will lead to a wholesale loss of citizens' rights. Apart from the right to live and work in the EU (which was obvioulsy a given if we left) and although I've asked you many times to tell us what these rights that are in jeopardy are, you've not managed to come up with any thus far.
Whilst on the question of Mr Farage and rights, I asked you specifically in this thread, what rights would be lost if we left the ECHR:
"Mr. Farage now wants the UK to leave the ECHR, I take it that he would in no way be responsible for what happens should we be stupid enough to do what he wants?"
I even listed the rights currently provided by the ECHR and asked you which of them might be lost if we left the Convention. Answer came their none.
So I'm not too sure how many people now believe your statements about lost rights, simply because you've repeated them enough times.
“He says it a good idea for us to have zero net migration,…”
It is. In each of the two years to June 2023, around half a million people quit the UK. That leaves adequate capacity for those with valuable and/or scarce skills to be allowed to settle here whilst maintaining net zero migration. But instead, in each of those two years more than a million people arrived to settle here, leaving net migration for those two years combined at around 1.3 million. Not only is there no need for this (when one in five of the working age population is not working) but it’s also completely unsustainable.
“… he also says that the NHS spends a fortune on diversity training.”
It does. It spends around £40m pa:
“Overall, according to a set of Freedom of Information requests submitted by the Taxpayers’ Alliance last October, NHS England employs 800 diversity and inclusion officers, at a cost of £40 million a year.”
Of course whether £40m is considered “a fortune” is a matter of opinion - especially in the context of an annual budget of around £180bn. But since it funds the employment of 800 people at a cost of £50,000 each, the same money could fund a similar number of decently paid medics.
"He said he would reduce waste/bureaucracy in the NHS (saving hundreds of millions) – no doubt to help multi-millionaires avoid paying inheritance tax."
Help me out a bit here because I'm struggling.
How will saving the NHS hundreds of miilions (which would not be a big ask) help multi-millionaires avoid paying inheritance tax?