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Let Me Be Clear ….

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naomi24 | 19:54 Sat 08th Jun 2024 | Politics
39 Answers

Almost every time I hear that coming from a politician I know they're lying.  I've just watched the television questions & answers session between seven people telling us to vote for their party - which actually turned out to be more or less a cat fight between Angela Raynor and Penny Mordaunt.  I've no idea who the 'referee' was but she was hopeless.  Nigel Farage - the only one to speak anything near to the truth - as harsh as that may be - bring it on!


Your thoughts on that 'debate'?



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When a politician says, Let me be absolutely clear, you can be sure whatever comes next is going to be as clear as custard.
20:06 Sat 08th Jun 2024

I wonder if Vladmir Putin is still the world leader Farage most admires?

I wonder if Vladmir Putin is still the world leader Farage most admires?




 "As an operator, but not as a human being, I would say Putin.''

"Let me be absolutely clear"  John Major's mantra if I remember rightly.

It must be almost impossible to referee a debate between seven people all jockeying for position and trying to get their twopennyworth in.  Can't see the point of inviting parties who will never form a government.

why does no one know what a porky actually is?

When a politician says, Let me be absolutely clear, you can be sure whatever comes next is going to be as clear as custard.

Applying context to an out of context quote always ruins the point the person who made the out of context quote is trying to make, and makes them look a bit foolish.

I was amused by the fact that they placed both women next to each other - obviously to create some visceral friction between them.

"I was amused by the fact that they placed both women next to each other - obviously to create some visceral friction between them."

The positions, apparently, were decided by the drawing of lots.

Farage apologised for his ill-advised Putin comments and for underestimating his intentions. As he said himself:  "Well, I was wrong. Putin has gone much further than I thought he would."   

He was naive, but he did apologise.  As for the debate, don't think any one of them came out of it smelling of roses.

I always forget how bad the so called debates are (they are not debates).  
Last night it quickly became apparent that everyone expect Labour to win. So their pitches were not about winning but picking up the scraps.  
Farage was aspiring to beat the Tories into second place. That won't happen.  
Moutdant as doing damage limitation. Apologising for Sunak's big own goal, and scaremongering about Labour.  
aynor was rgere to ram home that Starmer has changed the Labour party. 
The Greens and the devolved parties were just fevelling in their 15 minutes of fame, using it to push their agenders.

I was warching to see if there was any hung parliament manoeuvering going on, but didn't see any.

All in all a very dull event and a waste of my time.

'Let me be clear!'; 'Read my lips!' and 'It's written in stone' - are dead giveaways.

I loved the Green woman (she was most definitely Green!) because she was bandying around money like confetti; I counted £50bn, £30bn of which was going to the NHS, and apparently it was "costed".


I don't see the point of these debates, and I certainly don't see the point of non-entity parties like the Greens participating. The Greens could say they'd give a trillion to the NHS, guarantee everybody in the UK a free Unicorn, and promise me a go on Liz Hurley, because they will never be in a position of having to fulfill their promises.

You have to admire penny mordaunt after rishi dropped her right in it by coming home from  the d day ceremony early,as the government rep.she was always going to be outnumbered 6:1,all angry angela could do was repeat that the conservatives had trashed the economy,angela raynor is neither use or ornament and god help us all when labour get to power,it's down hill with a bullet for Great Britain with labour running the country.

Were you on +24?

Didn't watch it. Let me be clear, if you haven't decided by now who gets your vote you are, at the very least, a ditherer.

I decided long ago who will get my vote. None of them.


I'm completely dissolutioned with all of them - they're all the same but just in different piles of the same


"A go on Liz Hurley".  Really DD I am shocked 🤢.

I always thought you were such a gentleman:-(

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