Fair play AOG - and thank you for your post.
I have to confess that Idid get somewhat carried away with my incessent baiting of you by third party - not an attractive way to behave, and one of which I am not proud.
As you know, we have crossed swords many times in debate, and occasionally been annoyed with each other, to the point of falling out - but I do believe that you debate your views with sincerity, even though I often disagree with your stance on a number of issues.
So, in the interest of mature behaviour, and of moving forward in a positive manner, I would like to recind my last post with its overly personal comments, and to accept your previous post in the spirit in which it was offered.
In conclusion - please accept my sincere applogies for my unwarrented agrerssion - I look forward to further debates in the future, which I am sure will be as erudite s they are contentious - but with an absence of personal rancour, which should be discouraged at all costs on the AB - and in life in general.