I remember watching the Spanish news when I was about 20 and seeing dead bodies all over the street after a bomb somewhere, I was stunned! I definitely think there should be a line drawn, I agree that it's in bad taste showing these pics.
On a side note, I read that the BBC are planning on showing a man dying in a documentary. I personally won't be watching and I can't see why anyone would want to see that!
Is i worse to publish the pictures in a rag that not everyone needs to buy Or is it worse to publicise the fact by posting on a website about it ?And no i haven't opened your link.I prefer to show my honest disgust by not buying into it and by not perpetuating it.Seems you are part of the problem by continuing to illustrate the gory details?But as i Say i haven't stooped to open your link.
My thoughts go out to his family.
For the minority who don;t actually know what a man being shot out of a cannon looks like, they could have shown shots of a duplicate stunt in which the operative survived, although quite honestly, why it needs illustrating at all is a mystery to me - but that's newspapers.
it's a bit harsh to have a go at AOG for this I think, he's posted a link to back up his point, as teddy_boy read enough to know not to open it it's clear the option is there! I wish I hadn't opened it to be honest, I genuinely expected it to show 'his final moments'.. as in getting into the cannon or something, certainly not what they actually printed!
Teddy_boy and Ankou - i must rise to AOG's defence here -
he is not linking to provide any spurious voyeuristic shock value to his question, but to illustrate what it is he finds distasteful.
i think it reasonable that most visitors to the News sectrion would know the story to which he referred, and have the option not to open the link if they so wish.
Initially I tend to agree, but then I think about all the other times in the media we are shown death and dying and don't utter a word about it. Why is that.
Had it been a video link I would have agreed that it was in bad taste. These pictures are neither gory not horrendous and if viewed out of the context of this report very few would query them.
Sorry i thought i was asked for my opinion. I have given that opinion. It is my opinion, which i and others were asked for , and therefore i dont believe anyone has the right to criticise my opinion.Im afraid if you don't want to read peoples opinions then id advise not posting on a website to ask for them.If to give ones honest opinion is harsh then i must be harsh.But i do like to be honest and sometimes people arent appreciative of that.That may say more about them than about me.
there is something compelling about have a newspaper/link put in front of you. I don't buy newspapers because I believe they are full of other people's opinions and trash.. yet, if someone posts a link on here for the Mail (which I do hate!), I click on it and then find myself clicking on about 10 other rubbish links.
I still think it's trash though.. but it was put there, in front of me.