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Prince Harry's real Dad

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chirpychirpy | 17:23 Sun 01st May 2011 | News
43 Answers
Who do you think Prince Harry's real Dad is? He doesn't resemble Prince Charles at all, and he doesn't look/walk/talk like his brother Prince William.


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His Dad is common tho' LOL
anyone else notice Charles touching his nose...eughhhh
then shaking the hand of the dignitaries
Might have been worse. He could have been scratching his @rse
ha-ha Sandy, he looked as if he was 'snotting'
Charles seems like a nice guy but he's not easy on the eyes.
aye, his spark plugs are a bit sticky-out..
I have my doubts too. But if you look at the picture when Prince William came through the gates driving the sports car I actually thought it was Harry driving it at first glance.
They always remind me of Noel and Liam Gallagher. Noel looks a lot like the third brother Paul, but Liam looks like neither of them but no-one suggests that he's not their real brother.
There are thousands of people knocking about calling somebody dad,who's actually no relation,probably the only person who can say for sure is in no position to do so but does it really matter? it's who they turn out to be that counts
My two sons don't look like each other. One looks like his Dad, and the other one looks like my side of the family (everyone says how like my brother he is). One wears glasses, they have different coloured hair and completely different personalities. But I can assure that they do have the same father.
Yes but no of this explains why Harry DOES look exactly like Hewitt
Regardless who his dad is he is my fave royal - I like the thought of him crying at the reception - I bet he was saying your my best mate you are
I think he is the spitting image of Prince Charles, actually.
<<Yes but no of this explains why Harry DOES look exactly like Hewitt >>

But that's just it, he *doesn't*............
I think everyone knows, really.

We all try very hard to find the odd feature in common with vague, distant relatives of Diana.

But he is the absolute dead splitting image of James H, and gets more like him every year.

Not that that's a bad thing. James H was better looking than the Royals.
I agree JJ
Say what you like about him looking like the Spencers hes his fathers son (in more ways than one)
I thought Prince Harry was trying to emulate Sir Ian McKellen's Richard III - in Westminster Abbey, the outfit did him no justice, hunching his soldiers, he walked bandy legged and all he needed was the hump on the back and her would have been perfect.
I thought he looked like he had just got off his horse
How cool would that have been if W&H had arrived on horses
I understood that was part of the early plans but the security issues had that excellent idea nailed.
<<But he is the absolute dead splitting image of James H, and gets more like him every year. >>

He's not and he doesn't.......
Sorry I have to disagree
He is and he does
That's ok...........

You believe whatever you like............but he's not and he doesn't.

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