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Twitter being Sued Stateside by Tyneside Council to release UK names

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DTCwordfan | 12:07 Sun 29th May 2011 | News
182 Answers

It has been confirmed by the Council that this action has been sought.

Implications for ABers?

Eds views?

Your views?

Your views to malicious remarks and deliberate stalking of ABers? Lawsuits to reveal who? I have thought about it I must say regards one man regularly on here.


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How exactly do you stalk someone on AB?

I've had a look through DTCs posted questions and no name leaps out as the syalker. It is probably their imagination.
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No comment - not worth the hassle.

End of Matter.

I shall watch and decide appropriate action.

Apologies for any confusion. I'm going to do a Rottweiler impersonation and verbally go for his botox if I get anymore gip or hassle from him and will take the suspension. It will be worth it.

End of Thread for me.
can you just let us all know when you'll be doing that?

I'd hate to miss it!
I can't believe that this thread's still going.
So i reaf all of that and we don't know who the stalker is but several abers have been driven to drink and doughnuts

I think i shall join them
That was a complete cop out DT...
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Don't worry I was driven to the drink and doughnuts a long time ago yesterday. Thanks to who started that. Bakery is always soothing...
Some years ago there was a twonk on here who made up about ten differenet user names just to give me and a few others a really hard time mostly in Q&P .
If you ignore them eventually they bog off .
DT has seen nothing on here .It used to be much,much worse in it's heyday..Someone calling someone a few names is hardly worth the bother .Just report them or ignore them .
But then again if you make comments like you did about that footballer saying that he should be "exposed and mocked " what can you expect .
That's just double standards .
where is his botox ?
I am really getting frustrated by this thread. I haven't a clue as to what DT is really bothered about. However, with talk about active and inactive members; together with shaney making reference to hard times, I feel sure you will acknowledge that I am an old softie who is perhaps past participating in threading further.:-)

Please note that anything which I have said is deemed to be a privates matter and is not for publication. !!

I blame craft for the fact that I am now sitting here with a jam doughnut to go with my coffee.
china. you do know craft sat on them for her piles !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will the mysterious stalker please own up by posting "I am Spartacus" then we can all do something else?
I've made some custard ones as well..............but now I don't fancy them :-(
Oooh, custard donuts.

Hi best friend lol
Doughnuts is dougnuts anne... no point in letting minor things put you off, it could have been worse, it could have been fluffy that sat on them...

Custard doughnuts?! Heathen...
I've also got some pineapple ones.............
Jam, chocolate & custard is fine

Pineapple is just so wrong
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Twitter being Sued Stateside by Tyneside Council to release UK names

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