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Should we allow Sharia law courts?

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anotheoldgit | 10:26 Sat 30th Jul 2011 | News
138 Answers

Are the Ministry of Justice right to abandoned an inquiry into the rise of secretive Sharia councils?

Will this decision give rise to an increase in these illegal Sharia councils?


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It would not surprise me if sharia law is already carried out in secret.
lol Daisya - full of water and largely tasteless (though I do like them - little mayo, chives and ground fresh pepper!)
Could be right there owdhammer, we're too stupid to know or in most!
Hardly "in secret", owdhammer http://www.dailymail....e-British-courts.html
I have posted a thread here owdhamer regarding what goes on inside sharia courts, and I asked what sort of cases they try I pressume without informing the police.
*How does my mind work (in your opinion ???) *

you really need me to spell it out for you? I mentioned Islam.... you assumed i was either non white, non english or both.... sad really....... very very sad
I think the whole point here is that many years ago we wouldn't even be wondering what went on inside a Sharia "court" as it didn't happen here or we had no knowledge of such things because it didn't concern us. Now, with the more liberal/cultural change here then we have it at the forefront of news in this country. IMO it shouldn't be but who gets any choice, we've given our heritage over to the EU and others, so I guess those who wish to change everything in this land would tell us to put up and shut up. Now if only we could turn the clock back....hmmm
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Assumptions born of ignorance sadly - I am not having a pop at anyone, but for many people, difference is scary. I've done a lot of work on comparative religions over the years, and once you get to appreciate the way they differ, many of them are remarkably similar once you get down to the nitty gritty.
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Correct there, boxtops, and rather than explore the commonalities in the unknown, it appears that society's default is to focus on the differences.

I bet if you took a poll of Brits, a high percentage wouldn't even know that God, Allah and Yahweh are one.
Sadly, assumtions are a human condition whether rightly or wrongly done, we all make assumptions. If Jewish law/traditions/customs were brought up for discussion I'm sure people would have their opions on those too. This subject was about Sharia law so nothing to do with Jewish culture so no need to mention that methinks. None of us like having assumptions made about us, but we have to accept it is done by us all and having had it done we can then put it right by explaining the situation IMO.
Fair comment, daisy.
Safiya how dare you call me sad!!! I am as entitled to my opinion as you are to yours and whilst I have kept my cool, you patently have not! You think I am sad, I think you are arrogant as I have already explained on this thread. I have no more to say on the matter, except that I stand by EVERYTHING I have said and I am glad AOG started it. I am now going to have my tea.
If we could find Mullahs as dour as a Presbyterian elder to administer the Sharia Law it would be no bad thing. Imagine drunkards and fornicators whipped for their sins. The towns on a weekend would be safe to walk through again.
Can't come quickly enough, in my opinion
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Helen it wasn't my assumption that it would be the end of all for white free thinking persons. I am going by the fact that each country has it's own rules and laws and that those who reside in that country should abide by those rules. Nothing to do with being white and free thinking...many non white people have been born here so being WHITE has nothing to do with it IMO. As for being too close to the bone...what on earth do you mean. I have no dealings with anything other than my opinion of having been born and bred I white, am I black? You don't know and you certainly don't know which culture I am from. So nothing here is close to the bone for me, that is your assumption and as I previously said...we all make assumptions whether those we make them about like it or not!!
*Safiya how dare you call me sad!!! *

very easily..... i also dare call you wrong... please point out where i have lost my cool ... which you seem to be doing in your latest reply.....

i didnt say a word to you, you agreed with aog and said i was arrogant.... whats wrong? do you feel shown up that you assumed cos of your ignorance that i was an ethnic minority..... i didnt for one minute going by your remarks assume anything about your colour, ethnicity or anything else.... just that you were wrong and that way of thinking is sad
So its all your fault is it then, redhelen, this torrid stream of religious bigotry that has been paraded and sullied the airwaves of AB this afternoon.

Under the laws of AB Share-a law, you hereby condemned to a glass of red wine and a marshmallow from the fire that you ignited.
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Should we allow Sharia law courts?

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