For Chrissake....
I am not disputing any of that. I'm not trying to present a rosy picture of the health service. I'm not trying to say that your or your mates haven't had bad experiences - or that they're uncommon. But your question (if you have one) is about stats, figures etc. and the use of the word 'real terms'. Which I have explained to you and you seem to be ignoring.
Now, your experiences and the stats - in this case - do not contradict each other. Or not necessarily, anyhow, as far as I can tell. But if you're going to even begin to try and intelligently assess the problems of the health service, the complexity of them and their nuances, you need to be able to understand that and try to fill in the gaps from there. Now someone's inevitably going to come along and accuse me of being patronising or something like that, but you know what? It's the truth. And I'm not one for rejecting evidence for no reason other than that I dislike it or that it's not in-line with something that I'm aware happened to someone else.