"In their continues quest for equality with heterosexuals, I wonder if gays will soon want to be classed as 'Straight'?"
AOG makes a very valid point here, which reaches the heart of the matter. The word, and the concept behind it at issue here is 'equality'.
Yes, AOG is being sarcastic in his point, but there is a serious issue behind it, which is that homosexuals continue to be treated as second-class citizens, an attitude that has no place in a modern free society.
So the concept of marriage for gay couples is simply about offering them the choice that is open to heterosexual couples, but denied to homosexual couples - a marriage service.
If a gay couple wish to have a marriage ceremony, instead of a civil service, why should the choice be denied them? It is there for heterosexual couples, and it is time this anomaly was removed.
And yes, there are always more important matters for politicians to consider, but that does nothing to negate the importance of the issue for those who are involved.
If I had a loved one serving abroad in a pointless war, I would not be impressed to find that the government thought that our finances going down the toilet was seen as 'more important'.
Fortunately, real life is not like that. Lord Tebbit remains isolated from real life, as he has for most of his political career, so his opinion is not really one of weight in this instance.