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Rudy Guede

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Dolt | 21:16 Tue 04th Oct 2011 | News
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Now that Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito have been found not guilty, Is Rudy Guede the sole killer? or do they still suspect that he didn't act alone?


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who knows what they suspect? The prosecutors do not seem to have proceeded along strictly rational lines.

But it sounds pretty plausible to me that he could have been the only killer, yes.
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It also sounds plausible to me juo, but it seems the Kercher family feel differently.
they seem to. They are not necessarily correct; but they have invested all their hopes in the prosecution's explanation for the crime, and it may take them a while to accept (if they ever do) that all the satanic sex games were a figment of the prosecutor's imagination.
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I guess they're still grieving and need time.......
I'm sure I've read they thought there was more than one person there - I think with the amount of wounds - and that he had admitted there was (I've read different articles saying one and two) but wouldn't say who - apparently he admitted in jail to someone (how reliable, who knows!) it wasn't Knox/Sollecito.

But if Guede's DNA was all over the scene you'd think so would anyone else's and I'd have though it would have been said if there were third parties' DNA.

I just wish her poor family and friends could get some kind of closure and be sure that some sort of justice is being done.
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i also wish the family well. And I also wish Amanda and Raffaele well.
The only realistic scenario supported by the evidence, and Rudy's own confession is ...

Rudy Guede left huge amounts of his DNA in, on and around Merdith's body. He almost left an imprint of his movements. He left his hand, shoe and foot prints in Meredith's blood (although the prosecution initially tried to claim that they were Raffaelle's prints, which they were clearly not).

Rudy was acquainted with three men who lived downstairs from Amanda and Meredith. He played basketball with them.

Rudy was unemployed, broke, and facing eviction. He had also committed several break ins in Perugia and Milan in the months before the murder.

On 1 November 2007, all but one of the residents of the cottage were away for the All Saints Day holiday. Guede knew this through his association with the men downstairs. That particular night of the month was also the most common for break ins, because it was the day when rent payments were collected, and residents frequently had cash on the premises to pay their rent.

At about 9pm, Rudy broke a high window with a rock. He had done the same thing on his previous burglaries. Using a planter and some security grating, he climbed up to the window. He pulled the glass out of the edges of the frame, and they fell to the ground (leading to the speculation that the window was broken from inside!).

The window was about 10ft above the ground - no problem for Rudy, an athletic basketball player, and experienced burglar.

He went into the bedroom of Filomena Romanelli, one of Amanda and Meredith's flatmates (how many people knew there were other flatmates living in the cottage??). He went through her room, and then used the bathroom that Filomena shared with yet another flatmate, Laura Mezetti. There, he left traces of his faeces.

Meredith was not expected home, and she came back unexpectedly, and caught Rudy. It is impossible to tell what happened then, but clearly there was a confrontation. Rudy was faced with a witness who could undoubtly put him in prison, because of his past record. We do know that the result of the confrontation was that Rudy attacked Meredith - who had a reputation for standing up for herself - and Meredith was killed, and assaulted.

During the assault, Rudy pressed his hand over Meredith's mouth so hard that he left bruises in the imprint of his hand.

Rudy washed some of Meredith's blood off his own body. In doing so, he left his footprints in the bathroom shared by Amanda and Meredith.

Having killed Meredith, he went through her purse, and left his fingerprints all over it. He stole Meredith's rent money, and her mobile phone. As he left the cottage, he left a trail of blood smeared partial footprints, gradually fading away from the cottage.

Later that night, Rudy cleaned himself up and, to try to be seen somewhere in public, he went to a local disco called Domus. Witnesses said that he had an unusually strong body odour, as if he had been sweating excessively.

The following evening, he went dancing again. By that time, word had spread about Meredith's death. The disco held a brief moment of silence in respect of Meredith. Witnesses said that, for that moment, Rudy, and Rudy alone, continued to dance, but looked pre-occupied and distant.

Shortly afterwards, Rudy fled to Germany, where he was later apprehended.

Yes, he was the sole killer.

The "multiple killer" story was a myth, invented by the Police and, in particular, by prosecutor Gulio Mignini.

The above facts are what happened. However, in the meantime, Sr Mignini had told the Press ... I think Meredith's flatmate, Amanda Knox, did it. When Rudy confessed, Mignini looked a bit of a pr!ck. So he concocted the following plan, to save his personal reputation.

Rudy would be given a quick trial, and a much reduced sentence (16 years). With good behaviour, he would be free in 8 years (only 4 to go!!).

Rudy would put forward a story there were other people involved.

As part of the justification for his (cont) ...
(cont) ... for his lenient sentence, Rudy’s trial judge would say that Rudy should not serve a full sentence because he had not acted alone.

The myth was born that there were several people involved. This freed Mignini to pursue his absurd “sex game gone wrong” story.

But ... Rudy acted alone.

There was never anyone else even remotely involved.

Not Amanda Knox.

Not Raffaele Sollecito.

Not anyone.
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I believe you JJayne. I believe RG acted alone.
so he confessed and said he did it all ?

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Rudy Guede

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