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Amanda Knox: Settling Back Into Normality...

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Philtaz | 16:07 Tue 06th Dec 2011 | News
73 Answers
...very nicely, thank you very much.

Nice Xmas pressie for Meredith's family.


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Proof absolute........!!

Let's jettison *all* the evidence and convict her of murder because she smirked..

I guess she's probably no more or less irritating, smirky, whiney, needy and desperate to appear cool than many other girls; the main difference is that they weren't on trial for murder.

She may be a rotten, unfeeling, psychopathic cheer-leading bitch from still doesn't make her a murderess, I'm afraid.
Another trial by media....!!!

She was wrongly convicted and lost 4 years of her life. Yet people are still pointing the finger at her. I trust you'll buy her book so can really read her side of the story?
Philtaz - can she not make money from her own misery?
So she's guilty for not a a grieving look on her face?!

I agree with jack and sp.

Her family spent a huge amount on legal bills for her appeal, hopefully they will recoup some of that money from the deal
The financial costs to her parents has been devastating so I understand, Amanda will forever carry the stigma of the case along with her, future employment may not be what it should be, so the money from her story will go some way to tackling that.
Her blaming of Lumumba,a man completely innocent,unconnected,and thus unable to help the Police,chimes eerily....
Vincent Tabak and his lies,and the misery he heaped upon his Landlord!!
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She may be a rotten, unfeeling, psychopathic cheer-leading bitch from still doesn't make her a murderess, I'm afraid.

Quite correct. The Italian public too have their own view, apparently only 27% believe her story.

Like I said, I guess we'll never know the full story or explanation for her bizarre behaviour.
You were harping on about an innocent woman on death row recently. A woman who hasn't had her conviction overturned....
That was to atrollope...
The 'press' heaped the misery on Chris Jefferies........
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That's it though isn't it rocky, it's all about the money.
Why 'shouldn't' she?

Chris Jefferies successfully sued the British Newspapers for their untruths and excesses.

This will haunt Knox for the remainder of her life and she has no-one person that she can turn to for recompense.
the press put people on trial whether they are guilty or not, I would trust the courts decision over that of a journalist trying to sex up an article.
You're welcome...but goes to show, it really is trial by media. Watch a programme about a woman on death row, decide she's innocent. Read some articles, look at media picked clips/photos, and decide Amanda is guilty...
Thank you again,ummmm
Linda Carty has received woeful help/advice..and imo,she is innocent
the woman on death row may be guilty for all we know
Don't thank me. I was pissing on your argument.
A charming picture..Im sure..
she cant spend the rest of her life pretending she is miserable for fear of upsetting merediths parents, by, god forbid getting on with her life

im sure they wont be sitting at home imagining her having a rubbish xmas,,,and this terrible news has destroyed them...

what did you expect her to do? what would you have done?

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