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Should the hunting ban be repealed?

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LazyGun | 12:32 Mon 26th Dec 2011 | News
124 Answers
Hope everyone had a great xmas, and Santa was generous ;)

Not a fan of hunting with hounds myself - seems barbaric to me - but the current legislation is pretty toothless. Should the law be repealed?


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I lean slightly towards the anti hunting side. What amazed me was the amount of parliamentary time that was taken by Blair in eventually getting the Act through . Surely he could have found something a lot more worthy to debate.
as I recall it was in the manifesto, so it was proper that time be devoted to it. There's always *something* more important than whatever you're doing at the moment.
No. next question.
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I'm a bit on the fence about this. The law was made after much hoo-ha by the country horse/beagle owning set, but ignored by quite a few hunts. Much to the disgust of the League of Cruelty to Animals. Foxes are a pest, Has there been an increase of invasions by foxes since the ban or has it made any difference at all.
The main elements of hunting are in the Olympics , the shooting and the cross country horse riding. Where do you think they originated ?
Ansteyg, as I pointed out earlier in the thread, they are not 'hunting' in any real sense, but simply following the track of a foxy-scented sack dragged across the countryside beforehand. So, in fact, Blair banned hunting by banning hunting, would you believe?
Given that everyone involved STILL seems to have as wonderful a day out as they ever did when they WERE hunting, I'm at a loss to grasp why they don't just shut the heck up about it...unless, of course, the 'kill' really IS what turns them on!
Why do we get so uptight about fox hunting its cruel and so is the slaughter of animals the religious way most people think Butt there is plenty of other hunting that goes on at this time of year on the land and foreshore where creatures get wounded and left to die when the guns go home ,or when they don't know how to dispatch a wounded bird But the amount of birds I see on our foreshore choking on plastic or fishing line dump by some of the people who will vote against fox hunting makes me wonder
bentaxle >> But the amount of birds I see on our foreshore choking on plastic or fishing line dump by some of the people who will vote against fox hunting makes me wonder <<

how do you know these birds left on the shore are left by those who would vote against fox hunting, more likely to be left by some muppet who likes to see some animal suffer after half it's insides have been torn out don't you think

what happened to the if they bring this law in i am out of work and i will have to put the dogs down brigade.

a load of crap by toffs
they say anyone who films them are sick and sad i say anyone who likes to see animals ripped apart are sick and sad.
I am about to become very unpopular with a lot of people but I would like to play the Devil's advocate. My client Mr Fox wishes it to be known that he does not consider any member of his family or his neighbours family The Badgers are actually pests, he wishes to point out that in fact the human population should be considered to be pests as they are & have been for many years interfering with the balance of nature in that all species have the right to a happy family life & it is not right that one species should decree that its way of life is the correct one to the detriment of others. Further to this is the fact that all Carnivores have the natural right to hunt another species without the aid of a sub-species ( man/dog), so that it is perfectly in order for man to hunt Fox & Badger or any other beast providing it is one to one & only using the attributes that one is born with ( tooth & nail). I therefore rest my case.

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Thanks for the answers people - makes for interesting reading.Obviously an issue that is responded to at a visceral level, with strong views on either side. For myself, I have no issue with the hunt doing drag hunting or similar - seems like good fun - but as a means of pest control hunting with hounds seems more than a little inadequate. Chasing an animal to exhaustion, then ripping it apart with a pack still seems barbaric to me.
As I said, LG, the participants still seem to have a thoroughly enjoyable day out, still get to wear their pretty red and white outfits as they stream across the countryside, their horses still get a good workout, their dogs still have as much fun 'chasing' and sniffing around...and so on...all from following a prepared drag/trail scent.
All the nonsense they put forward at the time the ban was being discussed has been shown to be just that...nonsense. Kennel-men did NOT lose their jobs or their tied cottages, saddlers and farriers did NOT lose most of their customers, rural traders did NOT lose a single sale and not a single huntsman/woman lost a single day of pleasure.
They haven't got a leg to stand on!
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cant see a hunt chasing through an urban housing estate, where most foxes have moved to :)
birdie1971 >>DrFilth: Your video is completely unnecessary.<<

i think not people should see what these so called respectable people do in the countryside
and if no foxes are available ?????????

this is old but they still dig them out that is why they don't like the cameras

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