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Should the hunting ban be repealed?

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LazyGun | 12:32 Mon 26th Dec 2011 | News
124 Answers
Hope everyone had a great xmas, and Santa was generous ;)

Not a fan of hunting with hounds myself - seems barbaric to me - but the current legislation is pretty toothless. Should the law be repealed?


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I wonder how much it costs to buy a hunting rig-out and keep a horse for hunting? I don't suppose there's many could afford it out of their benefits.
Hunting, whether it's killing someone's pet cat, or riding to hounds in the company of blue bloods, must coarsen and brutalise people. It should be stopped as much for their sake as for that of the animals they tear to pieces.
sandy some of the farmers don't like the hunt going on their land but have to turn a blind eye to it, if they don't when they take some stock to market the toffs give the nod and people do not bid on their stock.

anyone who bids then finds they are on the list.

em the farmer has been down to my house so i do find out things
as should badger baiting, and in the case of livestock not stunning an animal before killing it, as is the practice in the Jewish and Muslim community, should be outlawed, and firmly enforced. How do the knobheads who own fighting dogs pay out of their benefit, or is it more a case of dealing drugs to pay for the dogs, and then set them at each other, perhaps that's my misconception on class, that it's only the working class who do that. As to rig out for horse, rider, no idea, but like any item of clothing, once bought you don't have to buy another.
Class is the one thing this country hasn't got out of it's system, and time we did.
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I do not want to get into a class war, and I am willing to believe that people of all classes are represented in hunting with hounds. One proviso. I used to ride a lot when I lived in the country, and met quite a few people who participated in the hunt at the local stables - and many did appear to come from, if not from the upper class, certainly the monied class.

Dog fighting, cock fighting, hare coursing - all are, in my view, equally reprehensible and should rightly be banned also.I am happy that fox- hunting with hounds has been banned - my main concern is that lack of interest in enforcement created a situation where the law was not having an effect. whereas several contributors have suggested that this is not the case.

Someone said something about hunting being "the way of the world"? It is only the "way of the world" if we allow it to be - laws can be passed, and enforced, and in time the "ways of the world" can be changed.To allow blood sports in the 21st century would be wrong, in my estimation.
>> "ways of the world" can be changed <<

you can bring in as many laws as you like but some people find it very hard to change

the hunter will still hunt
the peodophile will still be a peodo
the racists will still be racist

what we can do is stop people flouting the law
one of the biggest anti hunt opponents was the late Alan Clarke MP, one of the landed gentry, i believe he refused the hunt endless times access across his land, so you see this foolish belief that its all toffs in red coats is just that nonsense. Some watch downton Abbey and think that it still applies, doff your cap, yes sir no sir, those days are gone, and good riddance.
If the government of which ever persuasion wants it banned outright, then it must enforce it, and that takes manpower, which the police don't have.
I said it's the way of the world, that was not meant as i agreed with it, some though seem to think it ok to go horse racing, where if you look at the statistics more horses are seriously injured, which usually means being put down, or killed outright, than foxes who aren't that easy to catch
Foxes regulate their own population without help from man.
Many more foxes are killed on the roads than are ever killed by fox hunts.
Fox hunters kill foxes because they enjoy doing it.
When fox hunting was banned there was no significant increase in the fox population.
em >> anti hunt opponents was the late Alan Clarke MP, one of the landed gentry <<

no one is saying all toffs do it em

bet there are more master of the hunt toffs than working class ones
At least you know where you are with foxhunters as they fall into one or more of the following categories.
1. Sadist
2. Sycophant
3. Psychopath
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birdie1971 >> It is a law that I believe has the support of the vast majority of people in this country. The problem, as you <

the problem is the ordinary working man does not vote in the house , it is those people who have the power to say yeah or nay when asked to vote
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i am always happy to help those with exiguous knowledge on the subject
A lot of the support for the hunting ban was based on the politics of envy - left wing "bash the toffs"
It went down well with Labour voters at a time when the Labour government wasn't too popular.

I don't think there's any real support for repealing it, though.

To my mind, the cruellest bloodsport is fishing. to be hooked in the jaw, then half suffocated and put back in the water for it to happen again is barbarous.

They say fish don't feel pain - just as daft as saying foxes enjoy being hunted
venator>> I don't think there's any real support for repealing it, though. <<

with the tories in power it has plenty of support
here is david camerons heythrop hunt pals in action
Dr filth - To expand a little, I don't think there's much likelihood of a majority for repeal of the act. There will be a solid Labour & Lib Dem vote against, and most Tory MPs won't want to pass such an unpopular act no matter what their personal views may be. Cameron is having to offer his right wing something to keep them a bit happier.

Do you have any views on fishing? There seems to be a conspiracy of silence...
venator would not put any money on it

>> Do you have any views on fishing? There seems to be a conspiracy of silence...<<

i have already posted my answer on fishing

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