I will shortly (within next half hr) be ringing in ill. It is genuine (not a sickie!!) but I feel bad and like it'll look like an "excuse". I was up all night vommitting And although tum itself feels a million times better this morn I mysf feel "whacked" . Also I have a fairly long drive to work and don't wanna get caught out if my tum goes nuts again whilst on the road. Thing Is i feel it "look" like an excuse as when I left 5pm yesterday I was right as rain ... Tum started once I got home! Why do I feel guilty when it's a genuine excuse! I must be mad!!! Also my "voice" now sounds ok so I don't even found as sick as I felt till the wee hours!!!
Probably because you're an honest person and you don't like letting people down. Don't worry about it, as long as you don't call in sick once a week then I'm sure they won't mind at all.
people often get taken ill suddenly; I'm sure your office will have encountere it before! You may feel guilty because you're devoted to work, because you think you should be at your desk as long as you're not actually vomiting, because you think your bosses are suspicious of you...
But I think you're right: give yourself a day to recover properly; the stress of work and a long commute may well make you feel worse.
oh you dont want V&D 'round the office
I always feel bad and have been toying with the idea of calling in myself, but it always seems to be a Wednesday I'm not so well
Hacking cough and have been up half the night with it
I have just had the same...and believe me...you DO GENUINELY need to take a day to rest,I felt so sleepy all day after.You would also save it spreading... now go relax......take care .
Thanks all. Dunno why I worry re calling in as my manager is a good decent sort and he's not the type to question my decision to stay home.... I'm very seldom ill.
ALWAYS stay at home if you have been sick, I'm sure everyone at work would appreciate you not spreading it around. The golden rule is stay at home for 48 hours AFTER your last bout of sickness.... If everyone adopted this then these bugs wouldn't be going round and round :)