As brutal and barbaric as the practice is, thing is if the police prosecuted practioners of this procedure, at least here in the U.S., the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) would, at the speed of light, file law suit on one of two bases. One, being, the State cannot interfere with a religious function, but more likely, number two would be a law suit based on the fact that a large majority of American hospitals as well as Jewish (and Muslim) and a few other religious segments of society practice circumcision, hence the law suit due to prohibiting the practice on females but not males.
As incongrous as that may seem, in today's politically correct litigious, suit happy society, if I were a prosecuting attorney, I would be loathe to get embroiled in that swamp...
Lest anyone misconstrue this view as in any way condoning the evil practice, think again... we've seen all kinds of politically correct but highly unreasonable law suits just as described.
Additionally, this would soon be attacked as being some sort of 'racial profiling', which, here in the U.S. is just one step above kicking small puppies.