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Biting the hand that feeds them?

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sandyRoe | 14:47 Sun 29th Apr 2012 | News
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I only intended it to be a light hearted comment, maryanna34. I see you are
new on here. I hope you enjoy the debates. If I offended anyone, I apologise.
That was not my intention.
Cupid, you didn’t drop Sandy in it – he dropped himself in it. Nothing wrong in asking about an avatar. It was Sandy’s thoughtlessness that I objected to. The poor sod, the subject of this thread, has been trying to help people and has been barbarically beheaded for his trouble - and Sandy, on the same thread, jokes about a notorious religious nutter giving atheists short shrift. How crass!
Well said Gromit. Although I do think that some money doesn't end up where it should....
Gromit, sorry not sure i agree, the more money we pour in, the worse the situation has become. Are people any better off now, than say 5 years ago
Er...what was the question again ?

Oh, yes Pakistan and aid. That Pakistan has some murderous extremists within its borders doesn't justify us not giving humanitarian aid to benefit many or all of the rest of its citizens. What's more concerning is that some general, past, aid has ended up, in significant amounts , in the pockets of those families who form the elite, governing, class of people in that country and has not benefitted, to the full, the mass for whom it was intended .
keep fighting the good fight, sandyRoe... Torquemada remained true to his beliefs, as do so many others on AB, and was not in the least out of step with his age, so we all have much to learn from his example.
"The best way to make sure the Taliban succeeds in Pakistan is to cut aid."

Now thats a level of naivety thats going to be hard to surpass
Oh but the joys of the Taliban with a nuke missile.

Watch out those of you in Newham, your missile support won't be of much use when the metal is all melted - and all the rest.
jno, //keep fighting the good fight, sandyRoe... Torquemada remained true to his beliefs, as do so many others on AB, and was not in the least out of step with his age, so we all have much to learn from his example.//

Tell you what, jno. Why don’t we really make this fun learning? Let’s swap Torquemada’s name to Hitler, and the word ‘Atheists’ to ‘Jews’ or ‘gypsies’, or ‘blacks’. Just like your new found hero, Hitler remained true to his beliefs too. Or how about we swap Torquemada for Anders Breivik and ‘Atheists’ to ‘Muslims’? See where this is going? Good idea, no? Thought not.
Sandy - “... Thomas de Torquemada. Now, he was a chap who would give all the atheists here in AB short shrift...” and, “... Austere authority, a simple life, and a strong desire to see souls saved. Much to be admired there, I'd say...”


Jno - “... Torquemada remained true to his beliefs, as do so many others on AB, and was not in the least out of step with his age, so we all have much to learn from his example...”

Please tell me you're both joking? Are you seriously suggesting that Torquemada was a good person?

Here is a man who personally saw to it that thousands of people were burned alive for the 'crime' of not believing in Christianity. This was a man who saw to it that people were tortured during the Inquisition. As Grand Inquisitor he was personally responsible for the persecution of Jews and was a great supporter of the Alhambra Decree.

I find both your comments on this man quite astonishingly naïve and insulting. They are also bordering on the anti-Semitic. Normally, I inwardly groan when someone brings Hitler into the argument (Godwin's law) but in this instance I believe that Naomi is entirely justified in doing so.

You should both be ashamed of yourselves.
Torquemada is estimated to have had 2,000 people killed. Hitler is estimated to have had 6 million killed, and that's just the Jews, never mind the millions more dead in the war It was to stop hyperbolic frothing-at-the-mouth comparisons like that that Godwin's law was invented - but you're only too happy to invoke it when it suits your own argument.

Work on your sense of proportion.
Jno - “... Torquemada is estimated to have had 2,000 people killed. Hitler is estimated to have had 6 million killed... Work on your sense of proportion...”

Let me get this straight. You're saying that because Torquemada 'only' killed about 2000 people, he's much better than Hitler. Well, there's logic for you. One mass murderer is more virtuous than another mass murderer based on the number of people they are responsible for killing.

And you're asking me to work on my sense of proportion? I would suggest that you look very long and hard at your own sense of morality and logic before you start praising and then defending people who are responsible for genocide.
I'm sorry to say this Jno but your casual attitude to mass murder and anti-Semitism absolutely disgusts me. How can you post such despicable tosh and when challenged on it, attempt to justify your appalling position by telling me to work on my sense of proportion?

As I said, you should be ashamed of yourself. But it's clear that you are not and that you hold those who denounce religiously ordained genocide in contempt.
jno, your mentality continues to astonish me. If Sandy had said, //It's Adolph Hitler. Now, he was a chap who would give all the Jews here in AB short shrift//, or //it’s Radovan Karadžić. Now, he was a chap who would give all the Muslims here in AB short shrift// your well-used itchy finger would have reached for the report button in the blink of an eye, as would those of many others here. However, where atheists are concerned, it’s clear that those who worship at the altar of the God of Spite have very different standards. If this is an example of the way in which religion skews the mind, then all I can say is thank Zeus I’m an atheist. Sickening.
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is there then no place for irony here in the AB debates?
I don't see any irony, Sandy. I've never seen an atheist here make light of any group of people being tortured or murdered, and I've never seen an atheist here find humour in the thought of anyone else suffering at the hands of a maniac.
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Are some subjects, and people, too serious for humour or irony?
For irony to work it has to be clear that you're being ironic sandy - otherwise it just looks like you're saying something really stupid, as in jno's case above.
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of course, it might just be above some peoples heads

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