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Red Ken or Bumbling Boris?

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Philtaz | 21:35 Fri 04th May 2012 | News
49 Answers
Apparently they're awaiting one more ballot box to come in and there's talk of a re-count.

My guess is Boris will just shade it, but who knows?


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i hope it's boris

One more constituency to come. If neither candidate gets an absolute majority, second choice votes will be taken into consideration.
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That aside, I had expected Paddick to get a larger share of the vote than he actually has.
Did you? Did you see the Lib Dems most recent manifesto? "First we'll form a government and then we'll form an opinion."
I think Boris will get it. On the daytime news they said there`s a trend for people in Greater Londer boroughs to vote for a Tory mayor but a Labour local councillor.
> a trend for people in Greater Londer boroughs to vote for a Tory mayor

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Yes, I did expect him to get a larger share than he did. Obviously not as a contender but I thought his ties with/to London might have got him a few more.
Who cares?
I hope Boris gets it.
I hope Boris gets it................then "call me Dave" will get worried.
I hope Boris doesn't get it, though it looks like he will...
Oh Mark you surely don't want Livingstone to get in..........
I surely do.
Good grief..................I may have to change my opinion of you (not that this will bother you in the least)
You're right about that!
Boris is a baffoon but he's done a great job in the past and is better than redKen. (From a visitor to London rather than a resident)
No need to be nasty.............
DaisyNonna - only sensible answer so far (apart from this one)
Think Boris will win, but if it does go to the second preference then they say that will favour Livingstone. It was a mistake for Livingstone to stand again.

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Red Ken or Bumbling Boris?

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